If you’ve watched a couple of horror movies, you surely can recognize some of the telltale signs that things are just not going to end well. And it’s more than frustrating when characters in scary films are completely oblivious to the key cues and situations that eventually lead to their demise. Unfortunately for this clueless woman, her senses were blinded by porcelain bathtubs and hardwood flooring.

Last May, Olivia A. Cole, a 37-year-old author from Louisville, Kentucky, shared her hilarious cautionary tale on Twitter where it went viral with over 30k likes and shares. The author recalled a story when she and her husband went house-hunting and ended up being shown around one particular “cute bungalow.” We all know what it’s like when you really like a place, you immediately begin to imagine where all your stuff will go, how nice the fireplace is and oh! We could make a little vegetable garden in the back yard! The negative aspects, like the fact that it may have been the scene of multiple heinous crimes, are conveniently overlooked.


Inside the house, it seemed like all the well-known horror tropes unfolded into many tiny red flags, but Cole pokes fun at herself for being “that white woman” from horror movies that is utterly unaware of the signs of “devil’s handiwork.”  Her creative use of GIFs add to a very modern form of storytelling, and the tale unfolds in such a way as to keep you scrolling to the very end.

Scroll down below to read her full story and you will know what warning signs to look out for on your next house hunting quest!

More info: Twitter


Olivia A. Cole is a 37-year-old author who shared her hilarious cautionary tale about house hunting

Husband Notices There's Something Not Right About The House His Wife Wants To Rent, Stops Her Before It's Too Late

Husband Notices There's Something Not Right About The House His Wife Wants To Rent, Stops Her Before It's Too Late


Husband Notices There's Something Not Right About The House His Wife Wants To Rent, Stops Her Before It's Too Late


Husband Notices There's Something Not Right About The House His Wife Wants To Rent, Stops Her Before It's Too Late


Husband Notices There's Something Not Right About The House His Wife Wants To Rent, Stops Her Before It's Too Late

Husband Notices There's Something Not Right About The House His Wife Wants To Rent, Stops Her Before It's Too Late

Husband Notices There's Something Not Right About The House His Wife Wants To Rent, Stops Her Before It's Too Late




Husband Notices There's Something Not Right About The House His Wife Wants To Rent, Stops Her Before It's Too Late




Husband Notices There's Something Not Right About The House His Wife Wants To Rent, Stops Her Before It's Too Late



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Husband Notices There's Something Not Right About The House His Wife Wants To Rent, Stops Her Before It's Too Late


Eventually, Cole found a place to live and we hope it’s not haunted


Husband Notices There's Something Not Right About The House His Wife Wants To Rent, Stops Her Before It's Too Late