Festivals are like tv shows: favorite characters, strong emotions, good laughs and a narrative that keeps you hooked. That first edition when you didn’t really knew what you were doing, how to act, where you lost your friends. The nostalgia that kicks in after the season just ended, followed by the thrill of the first lineup announcement for that second edition.

If you like tv shows as much as we love festivals, then you will enjoy the comparison that follows.

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Just don’t look back. Forget everything you did or saw during the festival, all the money you spent and keep on dancing.

Festivals are coming and they are harsher than winter. How will you get to the front row and see your favorite bands? Get ready for an epic adventure.

This will happen a lot. Get used to it.

Ted believed in luck and coincidence, we believe in the power of festivals.

We’ve all got that friend that unleashes at festivals.

Said no festival goer ever. Don’t even try to count your drinks.


The perfect excuse for getting out of work.

Four girls at a festival. We know they will have more stories than the famous Carrie Bradshaw.


Keep an eye open for mysterious events and places and get ready to learn some deep insights about humanity.

Beer will never be enough, not for a thirsty beer-vampire like you.

Those crazy people will become your family. Nerds, cool kids, couples, old hipsters. Meet your new family.