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Everyday Objects Turned Into Playful Illustrations by Victor Nunes
User submission

Everyday Objects Turned Into Playful Illustrations by Victor Nunes


Artist Victor Nunes combines everyday objects with simple illustrations to turn them into pictures of faces, animals, and other playful scenes. His clever designs invite us to look at the world differently and find creative images in our surroundings.

Nunes’ unique art is a great example of pareidolia, which is our propensity to give meaning to random objects (like in this post about seeing random objects with faces). It’s the reason why we associate a smiley face with a human face and why some of Nunes’ simple objects, such as pieces of popcorn or bread resemble faces to us.

It’s a very natural reaction to have, and it’s a fun creative idea. Quite a few artists have created similarly cool drawings where they explore the things that they see in everyday objects – Tineke Merink photographs random locations and adds illustrations to them, and Javier Perez does the same with smaller objects.

Source: Facebook (via: twentytwowords)



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There is a beast with heart of cold stone that dashes like lightning, shreds flesh from bone. // Bewitched by this beast, I fell to my knees. My mouth babbled madness and mumbled soft pleas. // I stared down the ravenous, gnashing dark maw of a cute cuddly kitten with yarn in its paw

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Author, Community member

There is a beast with heart of cold stone that dashes like lightning, shreds flesh from bone. // Bewitched by this beast, I fell to my knees. My mouth babbled madness and mumbled soft pleas. // I stared down the ravenous, gnashing dark maw of a cute cuddly kitten with yarn in its paw

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