I am Daniel Britton, a creator of the “Dyslexic Typeface”. I have always thought this was a strong piece of work but I had no idea it would receive so much attention in such short time.

The project itself is about creating awareness of dyslexia, I did this at University (The London College of Communication) as a self-incited project. As I am dyslexic, I saved some hours on the research stage. My problem with dyslexia is that it is a greatly misunderstood topic, there is no understanding of the condition.

All of the existing material was and still is very basic, it didn’t convey any emotion so I wanted to recreate the feeling of reading with dyslexia, to try and put someone else in our shoes. Therefore, I created a typeface that would be almost illegible so that it would slow down the reading pace of a non dyslexic person to the speed of a dyslexic and in return recreating the frustration, the embarrassment of reading with the condition.

When I first done the piece I was happy with it. When I showed it to a few friends they looked at it and they were like “Ahh I get it now.” After all of these years of trying to explain myself, I show a poster and it does the work for me, I was so happy people were finally getting it.

So now as it is still gaining media attention I am getting more and more requests for information, how to over come it? How do you deal with it? What is it? So I have decided I am going to create a Dyslexia Awareness educational pack to send out to schools on request that will educate the parents and the teachers on what the issue is and how best to treat it.


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That’s me!