Hi! I am Victoria, the model you see in all the photos below, and my boyfriend, TJ Drysdale, is in charge of taking and editing all of our photos. Together, we are a creative couple on a mission to redefine what it means to be travel photographers.

Fun facts about our work:
1. None of our shoots are stages! (We are serious!) We just come across a landscape, hop into it, and start shooting.
2. Yep, I’m barefoot in the snow or sitting on a cliff edge. We take risks, just like every photographer who sits on the edge of a building in Hong Kong.
3. We use all natural lighting. That means we only use the sun and our camera to capture the shots you see below. No flashes or reflectors were used.
4. We are minimalists. We only shoot with what the two of us can carry on our backs.


We absolutely love traditional travel photography, but are trying to open the doors for people who may believe that their work is only suited for the studio or close to home. We aim to inspire our fellow humans to dare to be different and try something new.

More info:

Sólheimasandur Wreck, Iceland

The Grand Canyon, Arizona, USA


French Alps

The Grand Canyon, Arizona


Howth, Ireland

Clearwater, Florida

Linville Falls, North Carolina / Blue Ridge Parkway


Howth, Ireland


Budapest, Hungary

Prague, Chech Republic

Stokksness, Iceland


Linville Falls, North Carolina, USA

Odessa, Florida


Vanoise National Park, The French Alps

Skógafoss Waterfall, Iceland


Vanoise National Park, French Alps / Cathedral Rock, Arizona, USA

Skaftafell National Park, Iceland

Ruby Beach, Washington

Blowing Rock, North Carolina