In November 2007 I rescued a feral cat from a colony in my apartment complex. He was the sweetest cat and quickly became close to me and my other cat. However, he was very shy and did not feel comfortable around any human but me. Fast forward to October 2008. My mother was visiting me and accidentally left the door cracked and Boomer, frightened of someone other than me near him, escaped out the door. Hours of searching netted no Boomer. Luckily I had moved to a new apartment in April 2008 and the complex was on a nature preserve. Boomer had access to lots of fresh water and a plentiful food source. I searched for him until 2010 when I moved from the complex. For the next few years I would think of him each time I would drive by the complex and I would mourn his lost. Around 2016 I finally said goodbye to Boomer – I figured outdoor cats have an average lifespan of 8 years and he was 2 when I rescued him so he was probably gone. Fast forward to August 24, 2018. I received a call form animal control telling me they had found Boomer. What the what?! I was ecstatic and raced to the shelter. Sure enough it was Boomer! Turns out he had been living in a feral colony at the apartment complex for the past 10 years and when the complex felt the colony was too large, they got animal control to come in reduce the numbers. Boomer was caught and, thanks to his microchip, was identified. Life has changed immeasurably since 2008 and there are some small issues with acclimating to my other 3 cats and 2 dogs (not to mentioned a 4 year old little girl) but I am so happy to have my Boom boy home 😀

Cat missing for 10 years reunited with owner thanks to microchip

Boomer 2008

Boomer 2018