This Online Community Shares Before And After Adoption Pics, Shows How Love And Care Changes Cats (30 New Pics)
Too many animals end up neglected or in abusive hands of people who were supposed to love them. Deprived of human affection and care, they often lose hope for what the future holds. And while for some, there’s not much in there, a few lucky ones are given a second chance in their new forever home.
If you've ever adopted an animal who has seen and experienced things no living being should ever endure, you’d know how hard it is for them to regain their trust in humans. But love and time are the two most powerful things that heal all wounds, and this post is a tribute to that.
Below are some of the most inspirational and emotional photos of cats before and after adoption as shared on the tear-jerking r/BeforeNAfterAdoption subreddit. More happy endings of animals who were happily adopted can be found in our previous posts here, here and here.
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Hazel Was A Stray Who Was Rescued After Being Caught In A Steel Trap For An Estimated 5 Days. She Lost Her Leg But Found Her Home With Me! This Is 8 Weeks After Coming Home
10 Months Ago I Found This Little Guy Abandoned And Starving, Now He's A Pampered Little Prince
This Guy Showed Up On Our Porch One Day
He was emaciated, dirty brown fur, covered with ants, cross eyed and barely alive. The humane society wouldn’t take him because he was in such bad shape. So we kept him and named him Knut. He turned into a fluffy white monster.
To find out what we all need to know before adopting a cat, Bored Panda reached out to Hannah Baker, a head of communications at FOUR PAWS in the UK. This charity organization was founded in 1988 in Vienna by Heli Dungler and friends, and now has spread worldwide, advocating for a world where humans treat animals with respect, empathy and understanding.
In the wake of COVID-19 and the repeated lockdowns, it is likely that both dog and cat rehoming centers will see an influx of animals being handed over and looking for new forever homes,” Hannah said when asked if cats or dogs end up in shelters more often.
Parker, The Sickly Stray 5 Week Old Kitten I Found In A Parking Lot At Work Three Years Ago
My Rescue’s Transformation
This Poor 10 Y/O Little Man Took A Year To Go From Brutalized To Healthy And Active
When it comes to the adoption procedure, taking a cat back to its new forever home is much like the process with adopting a dog, Hannah said. “FOUR PAWS advocates adoption when looking for a new four-legged friend and as such would recommend researching the local rehoming centers near to you. They will then review your lifestyle and advise on the cats that would be suitable for you.”
Found Him Dehydrated In The High Summer Heat. Didn't Plan On Keeping Him Initially But A Few Years Later And I Can Never Leave Him!
This is how you get a cat! ... no... this is how you get a friend for life!
From Scrawny Stray, To Lovely House Kitty
My Baby Boy, Tom. The Day I Found Him And Now, 18 Months Later. He's Grown Into A Very Handsome Boy!
FOUR PAWS has a handy checklist that can help people decide if they’re ready for a feline friend. Turns out, if you’re thinking of adopting a cat, you should imagine when you’re already a cat owner. The somewhat humorous check point list includes things that you will be willing to do as a new feline owner.
For example, Remove 'cat hair' from your clothes; Regularly clean out the 'cat food bowl'; Weekend? Get up early!; Train your cat to use a transport box; Read your rental agreement on pet keeping; Make your home cat-secure; Imagine claw marks on your couch; Groom your 'cat'; Take an allergy test; Imagine the dead birds and mice your cat might bring into the house, etc.
The Day I Found Them Abandoned In A Cardboard Box, 1 Month, 2 Months And Likely Half Their Body Weight Of Worms Later
Cicero Came To Us Dehydrated, Anemic, And Encrusted With Snot. Now He's A Glorious Fluffy Boy!
I Found This Kitten Last Summer In A Sealed Box Near The Road We Rode
I don't know why I decied to stop and check it. Now he is a big cat and lives in this new family with his new friend.
“It’s also important to remember that like any pet, a cat is a lifelong commitment and it’s necessary to consider if you’ll be keeping your cat indoors or if they’ll be allowed to go outside, do you have a preference over gender, what home comforts do they need, etc.,” Hannah said and concluded that “Cats can bring so much to our lives but it’s vital to ensure that you have thought long and hard about adding one to your home.”
To Think That Luna Used To Fit In The Palm Of My Hand
This Tiny Girl Was Found Abandoned (We Think Dumped), Injured, And Couldn't See
We didn't think she would make it through the first night. After three weeks, she can see and has more energy than I can sometimes handle
I Trapped Sushi When He Was 17 Weeks Old With An Infected Neck Wound. 8 Months Later, Love And Patience Have Turned My Former Feral Into A Cuddle-Loving Cat
How It Started vs. How It's Going
Olly: 1 Month Update
After My Cat Died I Decided To Pick Up This Small Guy Who Looked Healthy When We Got Him, But We Soon Learned He Had A Horrible Ringworm Infestation. I Spent The Next 4 Months Healing This Little Guy
Titan, Adopted Through Our Rescue Good Karma. He’s Spoilt!
Stray That Started Coming By Our Library Staff Parking Lot Got Taken To The Shelter, Now He's Properly Adopted And Enjoys Belly Rubs, Anyway Here's My New Son, Taako
What Love And Tons Of Churu Can Do To A Street-Hardened Cat
A Week After We Rescued This Little Girl. We Have Named Her Shamsie (Sounds Like Tummy)- Arabic For Sunshine
Bean Dip. Found By My Girlfriend Under A Pile Of Trash In A Construction Site
We nursed her back to health and she now lives with a family member. First three photos are from July of this year, last photo is from two weeks ago. Best thing to happen to me in 2020.
Befor And After
This Is Peanut! I Found Him Caught In A Rat Trap And Knew He Had To Have A Second Chance
I was working in a restaurant when a few of my coworkers were talking about a kitten stuck in one of the rat traps outside. Everyone, including me, thought he had been dead for quite some time. Out of curiosity, I nudged his little feet and he kicked his paws!
It took a few minutes to wiggle him free, and when he opened his mouth to meow at me, his tongue was absolutely covered in rat poison.
I rushed him to our local vet, and thankfully there was an easy solution to his poisoning! My roommate and I paid out of pocket to cover his bill and took him home to rest and recover. Even though he had been through a lot, he wasn’t shy. He crawled into my lap wanting to be petted and held. He meowed and ate without hesitation. I took that as a good sign that he would be just fine. He seemed like he would make the perfect pet for anyone who adores cats.
Sadly, we couldn’t keep him. We have three dogs and not enough room for another animal. But in only just a few days, we found Peanut a new home with a very loving couple and their cat!
Now he has blossomed into a gorgeous kitty who loves attention and his parents! Every now and then, we get updates on the little guy and last I’ve heard, he’s now a dad! I’m so thankful they were able to take him in. I know they’re giving him the best life possible:)
For everyone concerned about Peanut, his litter was unintentional but it was a happy accident to his parents. They kept one and the rest found sweet homes. All animals in the house are now fixed! Thank you for being concerned! And thank you all for getting your fur babies spayed/ neutered!
My Dumpster Rescue Ophelia At 4 Weeks Old And 4 Months Old With Her New Best Friend
The left picture makes me want to cry. Those sad eyes.... Good job giving her a home!
Our Maine Coon Kitten Hemingway’s Shelter Picture Compared To One Week After Bringing Him Home
Oreo Almost 2 Years Ago vs. Today (Adopted Nov 2019)
He was living on the streets with a severe eye infection. The lady that was fostering him said she didn't think he would survive winter had he not been rescued. He's the sweetest baby and I can't imagine my life without him anymore
This Dirty But Charismatic Boy Started Hanging Around Outside Our House In The Spring Of 2017
We gave him food and shelter, and he found his place in our hearts and in our beds
This looks so much like my dear boy, who passed away at 20. I love him so much, still.
Just Two Weeks Ago, I Adopted This Tiny 5-Week Old Who Was Rescued From A Busy Wet Market In Manila. She's Now The Cuddliest In The Family
I don't understand how people can abandon or mistreat animals like this, often the same people who won't get their animals neutered / spayed because it's"cruel".
I know! While I loved seeing the after adoption pics on these cuties, there are a lot of the before pics really pissed me off and made me want to go on a violent crusade against animal abusers!!
Load More Replies...These posts are one of my favourites (in spite of reading how some of them were found, like WTH is wrong with some people!?) All the kitties underwent such a glow-up that I almost envy them! Now to cuddle my own adopted little menace! IMG-2ea2fd...6585ad.jpg
It's amazing how beautiful a cat is when it's being taken care of properly.
I don't understand how people can abandon or mistreat animals like this, often the same people who won't get their animals neutered / spayed because it's"cruel".
I know! While I loved seeing the after adoption pics on these cuties, there are a lot of the before pics really pissed me off and made me want to go on a violent crusade against animal abusers!!
Load More Replies...These posts are one of my favourites (in spite of reading how some of them were found, like WTH is wrong with some people!?) All the kitties underwent such a glow-up that I almost envy them! Now to cuddle my own adopted little menace! IMG-2ea2fd...6585ad.jpg
It's amazing how beautiful a cat is when it's being taken care of properly.