Anti-Vax Mom’s Messages After Finding Out Her 19-Year-Old Daughter Got Vaccinated Will Leave You Baffled

BoredPanda staff
We make a lot of silly decisions when we come of age, but this 19-year-old girl probably made the smartest one she could. She got vaccines. Six of them. For us, being pro-vaccination might not sound like a big deal, but her anti-vax mom completely lost it, and someone on the internet documented her entire Facebook rage rant.
People have been destroying anti-vaxxers for a long time, but when nobody shuts them down for a duration of a full conversation, we get a good glimpse of what goes on in their heads. Weirdly enough, nobody talked about vaccines and autism, as this is usually the most prominent theme for anti-vaxxers to discuss. Scroll down to check out why this anti-vaccination mom and her friends felt “heartbroken” after her daughter went to the doctor to get an immunization, and let us know your thoughts about it in the comments!
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Rokas is a writer at Bored Panda with a BA in Communication. After working for a sculptor, he fell in love with visual storytelling and enjoys covering everything from TV shows (any Sopranos fans out there?) to photography. Throughout his years in Bored Panda, over 300 million people have read the posts he's written, which is probably more than he could count to.
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Rokas Laurinavičius
Author, BoredPanda staff
Rokas is a writer at Bored Panda with a BA in Communication. After working for a sculptor, he fell in love with visual storytelling and enjoys covering everything from TV shows (any Sopranos fans out there?) to photography. Throughout his years in Bored Panda, over 300 million people have read the posts he's written, which is probably more than he could count to.
Holy s**t. I was not aware that so many people where this stupid. "Dont get vaccines that help you to not get sick". " They will make you sick". "Yes, the dead, miniscule amount of germs will make you sick.
Load More Replies...I've got an autoimmune disease, and I still get my vaccines. I'm typically laid out for about a week afterwards, but they truly do help strengthen my immune system just a bit. Just that little bit is enough, since when I do catch colds and flu, they aren't as severe (I don't get fevers at all, which makes them drag on and on and on...). The problem is for people like me, are people like this mother and her buddies who refuse to get vaccinated. Diseases that were almost wiped out in North America are making a comeback because of them. We have a society mostly free of seriously harmful mass-epidemics because of vaccines. Herd immunity doesn't work for those with autoimmune or compromised immune systems when there are idiots like these that refuse to get vaccinated.
Well... i got my shots at 20, the first week after i felt fine, the next three i had a fever and felt like s**t in general. Got small red bumps from the measels part of it. But that is a rarety. So yea, they can make you sick. But it's way better than actually getting the diseases themselves.
NickelWorld123: not all vaccines have dead viruses in them. some have viruses in them that are still alive, but just barely. they are weakened to nearly dead to make it easier for the body to fight them, and to recognize them if the body is hit with them again.
You should look up how big the flat earth society has gotten. Ridiculous times right now
There are actually almost 130,000 in the closed/private support group this was taken from (screen shots)
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@Rasmus You can treat diseases naturally so you dont even have to risk getting sick either. Just use herbs/vitamins instead of vacs
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holy c*w. i was not aware you come back to earth, its been centuries since our last meet here (on earth). so, hows mars? you know we will be going there shortly, makes you wonder how we are going to get to mars shortly, right? ;)
I agree with you, these people are lunatics that don't vaccinate against horrible horrible diseases
What?! More like thank god she's smarter than ALL the idiots on that thread!! I'm sorry, but anyone that doesn't want to get vaccinated should be rounded up and put somewhere where they all live together. This way, the general public (which is smart enough to get vaccinated) is safe from these idiots. And when there's an outbreak in the unvaccinated, it only affects them. You can call it the thinning of the herd!
Bobby Clemente, in any society there are people who might not be completely immunized, such as babies who have not received all their shots yet, or people with compromised immune systems who cannot be vaccinated, and the rare instance where someone might not be completely immune even after getting vaccinated. But when enough people in a population get vaccinated, this vulnerable group can benefit from "herd immunity".
Hahaha this is sadistic but also like wouldn’t be entirely unfair evolutionarily speaking
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If the vaccines work why wouldn't the general public be safe?
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I have always been curious about suggestions such as this. If the rest of us are vaccinated, why should we be concerned about those around us that are not vaccinated?
even churches support vaccination. You may be an athiest, but even those with faith can do the smart thing
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It's interesting that your faith in God's lack of existence is as fervent as that of those who believe in God. Frankly, those who believe in God are smarter. If they're wrong, they're no worse off. If you're wrong, whew. Bring sunblock, baby. It gonna get warm where you's goin'.
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Wow. What a pip. Classic child abuser. She's actually hunting for sympathy because her daughter doesn't want to die from cervical cancer. She's a piece of work. ...One thing the daughter can do is tell her physician that her medical information shouldn't be sent to her mother any more. She is a legal adult and she has the right to keep her personal information private. ... I suspect that if she does that, Mommy Dearest will threaten to take her off insurance, but that will just prove that she needs to get away from her abuser.
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What is the matter with you people? Munchhausen By Proxy is a serious mental disability with the intent of doing harm. I do not agree with this woman either but she's not breaking the law. It is her right and her responsibility to do for her child what she thinks is best. If you want to step in and start telling people how to raise their children than stand back because someone is going to come in right behind you and do the same to you. MBP is a terrible and tragic matter of abuse. It is a crime. Deciding not to pump chemicals into your child is not a crime. God help us all if it ever becomes one.
My SIL died of cervical cancer. She had regular checkups that found the cancer early enough for treatment, which in her case would have been a partial hysterectomy. She lied to my brother and told him she got a second opinion and was treated successfully. All because her mother had her BRAINWASHED that if she did not have a baby of her own body that she was not a real woman. Her diseased reproductive system never got pregnant, and she died with her body absolutely riddled with cancer. I applaud this 19 year old young woman for protecting her health by getting immunized! Plus, immunization does not necessarily mean you're going to skip getting ill, I had measles as a child some months AFTER my shots were finished. Had chicken pox twice, too. (But I'm an admitted weirdo)
Vaccinations are never 100% and anyone who tells you that is lying. However if you DO get sick after getting vaccinated, you will recover more quickly and not get as sick in the first place, since you already have antibodies to the disease. .... None of these things are anything to play with. I remember vividly being forced into an ice bath when I had measles, because the fevers I was spiking were high enough to risk brain damage. There was no vaccination then. ...
Everyone still a chance of getting meas and chick pox, but stops the awful doses, that cause meningitis, encephalitis etc
I thought the whole point was to keep her kid “safe” and “healthy.” Taking her off of medical insurance directly contradicts her original intentions and would give her daughter a hell of a lot of ammo. I kinda hope she does it.
She's not the sharpest knife in the drawer, though. I can see her making that threat, then being surprised when her daughter not only moves out, but stops having contact with her altogether.
Bunch of lunatics the don't vaccinate their children. It is a form of child abuse
actually all of her medical information legally is addressed to her, as soon as when a child turns 18 the doctors office would have automatically changed the guarantor, so the mom violated HIPAA by looking at her daughters records, not sure if her daughter left the paperwork out or if mom opened mail either way she broke the law.
...by looking at her daughter’s records and then POSTING PHI on the web for the world to see. She included specific names of the vaccines and the full face pictures/ Facebook info that can be taken from this mother’s profile are both considered indentifiers. Her daughter could sue the s**t out of her.
Actually she doesn't have to tell her Doctor that, you have it slightly backwards. They aren't allowed to give the adult daughter's information to ANYONE else WITHOUT her express permission to do so. HIPAA laws are very clear on this. Also, the Mother further violated HIPAA when she shared the daughter's medical information (what vaccines she'd received) openly on the internet again, clearly without her daughter's permission. From what I read though, the Mother likely read her mail without her permission either, so broken laws all around...
when that vaccine came out, I was disappointed I was too old to get it
If this is in the US then the insurance policy holders (parents) will often receive bills for their (grown) children. We had to specifically state to our insurance carrier that our grown children could pay for (and receive) their own bills.
They might receive the bills, but they do NOT have the right to see detailed medical records of another adult. The daughter can legally prevent her doctor and the insurance company from permitting her mother to see those details. Doctor/patient confidentiality is sacred. Always.
The EOB's received by the insurance are addressed to the subscriber/policy holder and have general information regarding the visit, not full details. it is possible the mom saw the EOB, but sounds like she somehow saw a visit summary from the office. She can contact the insurance and request her EOBS to be sent to her instead.
@Thomas - Cool your jets. Public health is in EVERYONE'S interest and should never be permitted to be ignored because deliberately ignorant parents would rather see children die from easily preventable diseases than give up their hysterical attachment to b******t. .... I think that any parent whose child suffers permanent damage from a disease that could have been prevented with a simple jab (measles causes varying levels of brain damage and blindness, mumps isn't called the "viral vasectomy" for nothing) should go to prison for assault causing bodily harm. .... Any parent whose child dies of an easily preventable disease IS guilty of murder. They'd rather massage their own egos than protect their own children - which is sick on many, many levels.
Most people alive today, that have had sex, likely have the HPV. And, they don’t even know it! Until you are tested for it specifically, you don’t know. Same thing with herpes! There are more people out there with it, than don’t have it. There are those that have the breakouts and awful rashes, and those that experience no breakouts for their entire lives, but can still pass the virus to partners.
There was mention of her daughter being "at work" so I think it's safe to assume the daughter has her own insurance (through work) now.
Most jobs...even really good jobs...don't provide any sort of insurance or the offer an insurance option that it so expensive it is simply out of reach for the majority of their employees. If they make enough money, they can potentially get coverage via the Affordable Care Act, but that is also too expensive for multitudes of people working even multiple jobs. As a student, it's unlikely that she gets paid enough for the "luxury" of health insurance unless someone else is paying for it, like her mom, unfortunately.
You know, Aunt Messy, when you refer to people like this as "classic child abusers" you diminish the pain of those who suffered under the heavy hand of real abuse. I may not agree with it either but these people simply choose not to pump chemicals into their children's bodies. That is their legal right. It's not abuse. She clearly raised a wise and open-minded child. That is to her credit, not her shame. Stop being so flippant with the term "child abuse". Believe me, what you're doing is much worse than what this woman did. And far more painful.
You simply show your profound ignorance. You almost have to practice to be so wrong. See my above comments and either do some research or shut up.
Yes, PRIVATE - the screen shots were taken from a CLOSED support group... which has almost 130,000 members. Not cool that someone posted it here :-(
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I wouldn't call her a child abuser but the mother is a needy for attention hippie!
She most definitely is a child abuser, as well as all the other wackos that don't vaccinate their children.
This mother's greatest achievement is that against all odds she has raised a daughter smarter than her.
Chino - I don't have a clue what you're saying - and I doubt many others do either. It looks to me like, in spite of her mother's prejudices, the daughter was sensible enough and old enough to decide for herself. What that has to do with belief in a god of any description I have no idea.
Would like to know where the father is in all this. Was he present? Did he have any hand in this either way?
Wow! That's the real Whale.to. That's a conspiracy theory website where you learn among other things Hitler was a British agent, there is a shadow government of shape shifting reptiles, and the US Navy is committing genocide on the flying dolphins. It's also a repository for some really old fringe reports on vaccines like risks of the small pox vaccination. We don't routinely vaccinate for small pox unless you're military or a first responder.
Maybe not against all odds; it's easier having a child smarter than you when you start out stupid.
AV'ers the Big here is BIG Natural Health. If you follow the $$ that's where the big gains are
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All vaccines are toxic. If you are too stupid to have noticed, virtually every outbreak of infectious disease hits the vaccinated much harder than the unvaccinated. So - the people who got shot up in order to NOT get the disease just got hammered by the disease they aren't supposed to get. How damned ineffective can you get? 2015 - Disney's measles fantasy - depending on who you read over 120 or more people got sick. NONE died, none got permanent damage - over 70% were vaccinated. Those NOT vaccinated are now PERMANENTLY IMMUNE - those with vaccines can NEVER get real immunity, biochemically impossible. Then NY State had measles outbreak - 90% of the sick were vaccinated. Mumps outbreak same summer - 97% were vaccinated. Whooping cough outbreaks start from the vaccinated - AND recent studies prove that you are 6.3X more likely to breathe flu viruses on others and they come FROM THE VACCINE because despite the lies you have been told, not all the viruses get killed. Mostly 3 factors -
LOL. You obviously didn't do your homework, or used biased sources that don't base their findings on fact. The data shows the exact opposite of what you say. The incident and mortality rate of diseases drops significantly to near zero levels every time an effective vaccine is introduced. It is completely false that diseases hit the vaccinated "first and harder". It's sad that antivaxxers have to lie to recruit others into their cult. Unlike you, I've actually provided facts in the form of a graph that show polio mortality rates vs. introduction of the vaccine. Oh look at that drop!
Stating the names of scaring sounding chemicals out of context is a common anti-vaxxer scare tactic. As with anything, education is key. Take formaldehyde for instance. Food, such as pears, naturally produce orders magnitude more formaldehyde than what's present in a vaccine. You also breath out more formaldehyde than what is present in a vaccine. Formaldehyde is a natural byproduct of your metabolism. polio-5a9c...e16788.png
Take your own advice and stop parroting the antivaxxer conspiracy theory propaganda you learned off facebook.
@Ryan Thanks for being sensible. Formaldehyde, phenols, and other ethyl or aldehyde groups are far more present in nature, including produced by the human body, than people realize. I think people hear formaldehyde but their brains process it as CHEMICAL 'O DEATH because of vague ideas about embalming, and then panic as a result of misty recollection, spurious association, and random collation of tenuous facts.
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Bradley save your time, they will never understand because they do not read or think, they choose to eat, s**t and drink all that the government say and big pharma. They rather watch tv instead of spending time with family and think for themselves. Sad.
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1) concentration of (neurotoxic and carcinogenic) formaldehyde. 2) Duration of time IN the formaldehyde. 3) Whether or not the virus is immune because some of them have thick enough cell walls to NOT be killed by the toxic vax ingredient formaldehyde. DUH. Do your phukn homework or be a lemming and parrot things you are told but don't know.
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Holy s**t. I was not aware that so many people where this stupid. "Dont get vaccines that help you to not get sick". " They will make you sick". "Yes, the dead, miniscule amount of germs will make you sick.
Load More Replies...I've got an autoimmune disease, and I still get my vaccines. I'm typically laid out for about a week afterwards, but they truly do help strengthen my immune system just a bit. Just that little bit is enough, since when I do catch colds and flu, they aren't as severe (I don't get fevers at all, which makes them drag on and on and on...). The problem is for people like me, are people like this mother and her buddies who refuse to get vaccinated. Diseases that were almost wiped out in North America are making a comeback because of them. We have a society mostly free of seriously harmful mass-epidemics because of vaccines. Herd immunity doesn't work for those with autoimmune or compromised immune systems when there are idiots like these that refuse to get vaccinated.
Well... i got my shots at 20, the first week after i felt fine, the next three i had a fever and felt like s**t in general. Got small red bumps from the measels part of it. But that is a rarety. So yea, they can make you sick. But it's way better than actually getting the diseases themselves.
NickelWorld123: not all vaccines have dead viruses in them. some have viruses in them that are still alive, but just barely. they are weakened to nearly dead to make it easier for the body to fight them, and to recognize them if the body is hit with them again.
You should look up how big the flat earth society has gotten. Ridiculous times right now
There are actually almost 130,000 in the closed/private support group this was taken from (screen shots)
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@Rasmus You can treat diseases naturally so you dont even have to risk getting sick either. Just use herbs/vitamins instead of vacs
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holy c*w. i was not aware you come back to earth, its been centuries since our last meet here (on earth). so, hows mars? you know we will be going there shortly, makes you wonder how we are going to get to mars shortly, right? ;)
I agree with you, these people are lunatics that don't vaccinate against horrible horrible diseases
What?! More like thank god she's smarter than ALL the idiots on that thread!! I'm sorry, but anyone that doesn't want to get vaccinated should be rounded up and put somewhere where they all live together. This way, the general public (which is smart enough to get vaccinated) is safe from these idiots. And when there's an outbreak in the unvaccinated, it only affects them. You can call it the thinning of the herd!
Bobby Clemente, in any society there are people who might not be completely immunized, such as babies who have not received all their shots yet, or people with compromised immune systems who cannot be vaccinated, and the rare instance where someone might not be completely immune even after getting vaccinated. But when enough people in a population get vaccinated, this vulnerable group can benefit from "herd immunity".
Hahaha this is sadistic but also like wouldn’t be entirely unfair evolutionarily speaking
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If the vaccines work why wouldn't the general public be safe?
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I have always been curious about suggestions such as this. If the rest of us are vaccinated, why should we be concerned about those around us that are not vaccinated?
even churches support vaccination. You may be an athiest, but even those with faith can do the smart thing
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It's interesting that your faith in God's lack of existence is as fervent as that of those who believe in God. Frankly, those who believe in God are smarter. If they're wrong, they're no worse off. If you're wrong, whew. Bring sunblock, baby. It gonna get warm where you's goin'.
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Wow. What a pip. Classic child abuser. She's actually hunting for sympathy because her daughter doesn't want to die from cervical cancer. She's a piece of work. ...One thing the daughter can do is tell her physician that her medical information shouldn't be sent to her mother any more. She is a legal adult and she has the right to keep her personal information private. ... I suspect that if she does that, Mommy Dearest will threaten to take her off insurance, but that will just prove that she needs to get away from her abuser.
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What is the matter with you people? Munchhausen By Proxy is a serious mental disability with the intent of doing harm. I do not agree with this woman either but she's not breaking the law. It is her right and her responsibility to do for her child what she thinks is best. If you want to step in and start telling people how to raise their children than stand back because someone is going to come in right behind you and do the same to you. MBP is a terrible and tragic matter of abuse. It is a crime. Deciding not to pump chemicals into your child is not a crime. God help us all if it ever becomes one.
My SIL died of cervical cancer. She had regular checkups that found the cancer early enough for treatment, which in her case would have been a partial hysterectomy. She lied to my brother and told him she got a second opinion and was treated successfully. All because her mother had her BRAINWASHED that if she did not have a baby of her own body that she was not a real woman. Her diseased reproductive system never got pregnant, and she died with her body absolutely riddled with cancer. I applaud this 19 year old young woman for protecting her health by getting immunized! Plus, immunization does not necessarily mean you're going to skip getting ill, I had measles as a child some months AFTER my shots were finished. Had chicken pox twice, too. (But I'm an admitted weirdo)
Vaccinations are never 100% and anyone who tells you that is lying. However if you DO get sick after getting vaccinated, you will recover more quickly and not get as sick in the first place, since you already have antibodies to the disease. .... None of these things are anything to play with. I remember vividly being forced into an ice bath when I had measles, because the fevers I was spiking were high enough to risk brain damage. There was no vaccination then. ...
Everyone still a chance of getting meas and chick pox, but stops the awful doses, that cause meningitis, encephalitis etc
I thought the whole point was to keep her kid “safe” and “healthy.” Taking her off of medical insurance directly contradicts her original intentions and would give her daughter a hell of a lot of ammo. I kinda hope she does it.
She's not the sharpest knife in the drawer, though. I can see her making that threat, then being surprised when her daughter not only moves out, but stops having contact with her altogether.
Bunch of lunatics the don't vaccinate their children. It is a form of child abuse
actually all of her medical information legally is addressed to her, as soon as when a child turns 18 the doctors office would have automatically changed the guarantor, so the mom violated HIPAA by looking at her daughters records, not sure if her daughter left the paperwork out or if mom opened mail either way she broke the law.
...by looking at her daughter’s records and then POSTING PHI on the web for the world to see. She included specific names of the vaccines and the full face pictures/ Facebook info that can be taken from this mother’s profile are both considered indentifiers. Her daughter could sue the s**t out of her.
Actually she doesn't have to tell her Doctor that, you have it slightly backwards. They aren't allowed to give the adult daughter's information to ANYONE else WITHOUT her express permission to do so. HIPAA laws are very clear on this. Also, the Mother further violated HIPAA when she shared the daughter's medical information (what vaccines she'd received) openly on the internet again, clearly without her daughter's permission. From what I read though, the Mother likely read her mail without her permission either, so broken laws all around...
when that vaccine came out, I was disappointed I was too old to get it
If this is in the US then the insurance policy holders (parents) will often receive bills for their (grown) children. We had to specifically state to our insurance carrier that our grown children could pay for (and receive) their own bills.
They might receive the bills, but they do NOT have the right to see detailed medical records of another adult. The daughter can legally prevent her doctor and the insurance company from permitting her mother to see those details. Doctor/patient confidentiality is sacred. Always.
The EOB's received by the insurance are addressed to the subscriber/policy holder and have general information regarding the visit, not full details. it is possible the mom saw the EOB, but sounds like she somehow saw a visit summary from the office. She can contact the insurance and request her EOBS to be sent to her instead.
@Thomas - Cool your jets. Public health is in EVERYONE'S interest and should never be permitted to be ignored because deliberately ignorant parents would rather see children die from easily preventable diseases than give up their hysterical attachment to b******t. .... I think that any parent whose child suffers permanent damage from a disease that could have been prevented with a simple jab (measles causes varying levels of brain damage and blindness, mumps isn't called the "viral vasectomy" for nothing) should go to prison for assault causing bodily harm. .... Any parent whose child dies of an easily preventable disease IS guilty of murder. They'd rather massage their own egos than protect their own children - which is sick on many, many levels.
Most people alive today, that have had sex, likely have the HPV. And, they don’t even know it! Until you are tested for it specifically, you don’t know. Same thing with herpes! There are more people out there with it, than don’t have it. There are those that have the breakouts and awful rashes, and those that experience no breakouts for their entire lives, but can still pass the virus to partners.
There was mention of her daughter being "at work" so I think it's safe to assume the daughter has her own insurance (through work) now.
Most jobs...even really good jobs...don't provide any sort of insurance or the offer an insurance option that it so expensive it is simply out of reach for the majority of their employees. If they make enough money, they can potentially get coverage via the Affordable Care Act, but that is also too expensive for multitudes of people working even multiple jobs. As a student, it's unlikely that she gets paid enough for the "luxury" of health insurance unless someone else is paying for it, like her mom, unfortunately.
You know, Aunt Messy, when you refer to people like this as "classic child abusers" you diminish the pain of those who suffered under the heavy hand of real abuse. I may not agree with it either but these people simply choose not to pump chemicals into their children's bodies. That is their legal right. It's not abuse. She clearly raised a wise and open-minded child. That is to her credit, not her shame. Stop being so flippant with the term "child abuse". Believe me, what you're doing is much worse than what this woman did. And far more painful.
You simply show your profound ignorance. You almost have to practice to be so wrong. See my above comments and either do some research or shut up.
Yes, PRIVATE - the screen shots were taken from a CLOSED support group... which has almost 130,000 members. Not cool that someone posted it here :-(
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I wouldn't call her a child abuser but the mother is a needy for attention hippie!
She most definitely is a child abuser, as well as all the other wackos that don't vaccinate their children.
This mother's greatest achievement is that against all odds she has raised a daughter smarter than her.
Chino - I don't have a clue what you're saying - and I doubt many others do either. It looks to me like, in spite of her mother's prejudices, the daughter was sensible enough and old enough to decide for herself. What that has to do with belief in a god of any description I have no idea.
Would like to know where the father is in all this. Was he present? Did he have any hand in this either way?
Wow! That's the real Whale.to. That's a conspiracy theory website where you learn among other things Hitler was a British agent, there is a shadow government of shape shifting reptiles, and the US Navy is committing genocide on the flying dolphins. It's also a repository for some really old fringe reports on vaccines like risks of the small pox vaccination. We don't routinely vaccinate for small pox unless you're military or a first responder.
Maybe not against all odds; it's easier having a child smarter than you when you start out stupid.
AV'ers the Big here is BIG Natural Health. If you follow the $$ that's where the big gains are
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All vaccines are toxic. If you are too stupid to have noticed, virtually every outbreak of infectious disease hits the vaccinated much harder than the unvaccinated. So - the people who got shot up in order to NOT get the disease just got hammered by the disease they aren't supposed to get. How damned ineffective can you get? 2015 - Disney's measles fantasy - depending on who you read over 120 or more people got sick. NONE died, none got permanent damage - over 70% were vaccinated. Those NOT vaccinated are now PERMANENTLY IMMUNE - those with vaccines can NEVER get real immunity, biochemically impossible. Then NY State had measles outbreak - 90% of the sick were vaccinated. Mumps outbreak same summer - 97% were vaccinated. Whooping cough outbreaks start from the vaccinated - AND recent studies prove that you are 6.3X more likely to breathe flu viruses on others and they come FROM THE VACCINE because despite the lies you have been told, not all the viruses get killed. Mostly 3 factors -
LOL. You obviously didn't do your homework, or used biased sources that don't base their findings on fact. The data shows the exact opposite of what you say. The incident and mortality rate of diseases drops significantly to near zero levels every time an effective vaccine is introduced. It is completely false that diseases hit the vaccinated "first and harder". It's sad that antivaxxers have to lie to recruit others into their cult. Unlike you, I've actually provided facts in the form of a graph that show polio mortality rates vs. introduction of the vaccine. Oh look at that drop!
Stating the names of scaring sounding chemicals out of context is a common anti-vaxxer scare tactic. As with anything, education is key. Take formaldehyde for instance. Food, such as pears, naturally produce orders magnitude more formaldehyde than what's present in a vaccine. You also breath out more formaldehyde than what is present in a vaccine. Formaldehyde is a natural byproduct of your metabolism. polio-5a9c...e16788.png
Take your own advice and stop parroting the antivaxxer conspiracy theory propaganda you learned off facebook.
@Ryan Thanks for being sensible. Formaldehyde, phenols, and other ethyl or aldehyde groups are far more present in nature, including produced by the human body, than people realize. I think people hear formaldehyde but their brains process it as CHEMICAL 'O DEATH because of vague ideas about embalming, and then panic as a result of misty recollection, spurious association, and random collation of tenuous facts.
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Bradley save your time, they will never understand because they do not read or think, they choose to eat, s**t and drink all that the government say and big pharma. They rather watch tv instead of spending time with family and think for themselves. Sad.
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1) concentration of (neurotoxic and carcinogenic) formaldehyde. 2) Duration of time IN the formaldehyde. 3) Whether or not the virus is immune because some of them have thick enough cell walls to NOT be killed by the toxic vax ingredient formaldehyde. DUH. Do your phukn homework or be a lemming and parrot things you are told but don't know.
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