40 Bizarre And Inspiring Medical Cases That People Shared On This Online Community (New Pics)
Most of us agree that health is our most cherished treasure. Medicine has come a long way in the 21st century alone. We have advanced machines that doctors use for surgery, successful organ transplants, better cancer treatments, and improved plastic surgeries. Some medical procedures are so astounding that we call them "medical wonders."
The subreddit r/medizzy has 363k members who share incredible medical cases that might surprise even experts. From rare conditions that make you wonder what's possible to surgeries that show how amazing modern medicine is, this is a place to learn about the human body and the challenges doctors face. Take a journey through these enlightening, inspiring, and at times astonishing posts from the group. It's all about medicine here!
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James Harrison The "Man With The Golden Arm"
We're learning about the human body faster than ever before. Back in 1950, it took about 50 years for our medical knowledge to double, but now it only takes 73 days. Still, there's a lot we don't understand about how our bodies work. For example, scientists think there are about 4,000 kinds of bacteria in our gut, but they're not sure what 70% of them do. We're also not certain why we dream, have different blood types, or why each person has unique fingerprints. In 2021, scientists even found a new body part that helps us chew our food.
Beautiful Double Cleft And Palate Reconstruction
Incredible Well Performed Face Transplant
That's why it's not unexpected for doctors to still be puzzled by certain medical mysteries. However, due to the ever-expanding knowledge today, they also continue to solve once perplexing cases. We'll share a couple of stories about medical wonders, or perhaps they could even be described as miracles.
This Is How Great Surgery Has Evolved! Here You Can See The Result Of An Underbite Surgery And Jaw Positioning Correction
A Gynaecologist Captured A Human Egg Emerging From An Ovary While Performing A Hysterectomy
The image of rarely seen phenomenon of a human egg emerging from the ovary was captured by gynaecologist Jacques Donnez...
Before And After Surgery For Craniofacial Duplication
"Fight like a girl." That's what Kali Hardig's parents told her on July 19, 2013. The day before, Kali had been playing with friends at a water park in Arkansas, having fun. But then she started feeling unwell and after examination, doctors said something that shocked her parents: Kali might have gotten water with a dangerous amoeba up her nose, which made her sick. The doctors said almost everyone who got it died. For fourteen days, Kali's medical team worked nonstop to save her life. They put her in a medically induced coma, managed her blood pressure to prevent it from getting too low while also stopping episodes of high blood pressure that were making her brain swelling worse.
After some time, Kali's brain swelling started to get better. Doctors reduced the amount of medicine that made her sleep and made her body warmer. They weren't sure if she would be the same girl she was before when she woke up, or if she would even wake up at all. Then, two days later, Kali woke up, gave a thumbs-up to her parents, and they realized she was still herself inside. Doctors aren't completely sure why she survived. (A 12-year-old boy from Florida, who was diagnosed a few days after Kali and got the same medicine from Germany, didn't make it.)
Pediatric Heart Transplant Procedure!
Testing Davinci Surgical Robot On Operation Game
Incredible Photograph Of The Heart Strings Inside The Heart
Here's another one. At the age of forty, Ruby Graupera-Cassimiro had just undergone an entirely routine C-section, delivering a gorgeous baby girl. However, as the medical team transported her to the recovery room, she lost consciousness. Unexpectedly, Ruby, now a mother of two, experienced a severe cardiac arrest.
She had life-threatening heartbeats for more than two hours. The scariest part was when Ruby's heart was beating but not pumping blood, and doctors did CPR compressions for 45 minutes straight. After around two hours, the doctors knew things were not looking good. They let her family come in to say goodbye. They went back to the waiting area, along with a few nurses, and prayed hard for a miracle. The doctors stopped trying to revive her and were getting ready to declare her as passed away. However, without any medicine or CPR, Ruby's heart started to beat by itself for the first time in two hours. Ruby not only survived but is also in excellent health. It's almost as if this never happened. Doctors called it a miracle.
Normal Hand / Hand After Firework Explosion
Lightning Strike Injury With Visible Lichtenberg Figures!
The Difference After Jaw Surgery And Rhinoplasty Made On This Woman
It is definitely true that medicine has come a long way. Just a few years ago, it would have been hard to think that technology could help paralyzed people walk again using exoskeletons, that so many would use social media for information, or that a supercomputer like Watson would help doctors make medical decisions. Technology has changed medicine and healthcare in ways that sounded like science fiction not long ago. Medical students need to stay updated with the latest trends and learn quickly because even shortly after completing their studies, much of what they know might already be outdated.
This Is What Constipation After 19 Days Looks Like
Omg it hurts just looking at it. I can't even begin to imagine what that feels like.
Man With 3-Inch Nail In Skull Goes To Hospital After Two Days… But Can’t Remember How It Got There!
This Is How Purified DNA Strands Look In A Test Tube!
Experts predict that we'll soon see things like digital tattoos, 3D-printed medicines, and even RFID (radio frequency identification) implants in medicine and healthcare. These mind-blowing discoveries are happening almost every day.
Amazing View Of The Vascularization Of The Heart
Differences In Muscle Mass
This study looked at how exercise can preserve muscle mass. Here they compare a 74-year old sedentary man and a 70-year old triathlete, and the difference in fat and muscle tissue is extreme
It Is Fortunately Not A Craniofacial Trauma, It's A Photo Distorsion Caused By A Patient Moving In The Middle Of A CT Scan Due To A Panic Attack As A Result Of Having Claustrophobia
One thing we can be grateful for in this era is modern medicine. Let's show our gratitude to the dedicated doctors, nurses, researchers, and medical professionals. You can find more inspiring posts from the Reddit group 'Medizzy' below and also check out our previous post on the topic here.
3 Parasitical Twins In The Skull Of A 2 Month Old
The Pediatric Iron Lung, 1940s
Men Arrived To ICU By His Own, In Taxi
Completely White Gums! A 48-Year-Old Woman Went To The Hospital Complaining Of Fatigue And Painful, Swollen Gums That Were All White
The caption on the post is : A 48-year-old woman went to the hospital complaining of fatigue and painful, swollen gums that were all white. She had been experiencing these symptoms for around a week before coming to the hospital. It was found that her white cell count was 225,000 per cubic millimeter... people are saying that means it is leukaemia?
Parasites In A Boy Who Ate Raw Pork Meat For 10 Years
My Husband Suffers Frequent Kidney Stones. He Just Passed This Nightmarish Thing
Ouch. Women often say, there's no more physical pain than giving birth vaginally but a woman friend who has giving birth AND had a kidney stone passing told me the kidney stone pain hurt more, actually. (I have no personal experience with kidney stones and only a C-section, so don't lecture me, I'm just passing along her experiences)
The Stone Man Disease: Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva
The Base Of The Brain Is A Masterpiece On Its Own!
Triphalangeal Thumb (TPT) Is A Congenitalmalformation Where The Thumb Has Three Phalanges Instead Of Two
The extra phalangeal bone can vary in size from that of a small pebble to a size comparable to the phalanges in non-thumb digits.
X-Ray Of A Patient Who Had A Long History Of Chewing And Gnawing Their Fingers To The Bone
This resulted in severe bacterial infections which had to be treated with multiple amputations amputations
Head Of A Needle Under A Microscope
Extensive Head Swelling Due To An Allergic Reaction To Hair Dye!
Bungee Cord To The Eye Caused Man's Iris To Collapse Into Multiple Deformed Pupils
@eye surgeon Bored Pandas: is this, umm, repairable? What does he see?
Heart Transplant! Bad Heart Going Out And A New Heart Going In!
When A Nurse Lets You And Your Partner Know That The Patient You Transported A Month Ago Did Not Just Have A Small Cut On His Back
Raynaud's Phenomenon. It Is A Medical Condition In Which Spasm Of Arteries Cause Episodes Of Reduced Blood Flow
...and it huuurts. 🥹 I had this as a teenager /young woman on both of my middle fingers . It vanished finally in my twenties. 🎉
This Young Patient Developed Endocarditis, Inflammation Of The Heart Valve(S) Caused By An Infection
My brother had that as a teenager. He needed open heart surgery to replace the valve with one from a pig. Just this summer (25 years later) he had it done again because the original replacement valve started to fail. This time the new valve is artificial. Which means I can no longer call him Pig-heart and ask if he's here to fight for freedom. :)
Archeological Remains Of Patients Of Brain Surgery Performed By Ancient Doctors Of The Inca Empire In The 15th Century
The incan people practiced brain surgery, in which a piece was chipped out of the skull, part of the brain removed, and the hole covered by metal beaten flat
Neobladder Stone
Normal Knee vs. Osteoarthritis
Thanks, I totally wanted to see what my knees will look like when I am old.
Got In A Wreck And Messed My Eye Up And Had To Do Some Sort Of Procedure And I Looked Pretty Cool
Extreme Case Of Eruptive Xanthoma
I couldn't look. Traumatic in every sense of the word. One positive I did note is that finally the general public is learning to take cosmetic surgery seriously. It is necessary for cases like these.
This is the exact reason why I'm always on the fence regarding cosmetic surgery. These cases NEED good cosmetic surgeons and they have to learn that somewhere.
Load More Replies...I couldn't look. Traumatic in every sense of the word. One positive I did note is that finally the general public is learning to take cosmetic surgery seriously. It is necessary for cases like these.
This is the exact reason why I'm always on the fence regarding cosmetic surgery. These cases NEED good cosmetic surgeons and they have to learn that somewhere.
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