So, I had this friend, well more like acquaintance.

Anyways, last week we’d went for a drive with a mutual friend, side note* friend and I don’t have a license(I don’t trust other drivers because of their crazy driving… this is critical information for later)

Anyways, moving on. We’d had a nice day with pictures and what not, then it was time to go home, no biggy. We stopped to get lunch and then again headed back to my friends and my place(we live next to each other).

On the way there’s a lane that comes from the highway that leads to a round a bout.

Critical part coming.

So a transport truck is coming up, has his hazards on and is in the middle lane. When I’d seen that all I could think about is what I’d learned through drivers training

(even though I don’t have my license I still went through training, I like to know the rules of the road for safety reasons) that they have the right of way including so because they use that space to turn. And here she comes (her horn doesn’t work… crucial part as well… which I’d not known until that day) speeding up a bit and tries to by pass this guy, I’d tapped her and tried to tell her to stop(I’d been eating and it’s unbecoming to talk with your mouth full) but my thought was “obviously she has her license so she should know the rules of the road”. Anyways, we nearly get plowed by this transport truck because she snuck in beside him, in his blind spot I might add.

We had kids in the car.

When we’d gotten to my friends and my place I was just glad to be home and out of the car. I didn’t want to spend another moment in her car or with her.

Fast forward to last night and she sends a snap out saying “someone run me over now” and I responded with “well with the way you drive” which ensued an unneeded argument.

But what got me was that she’d been all “poor me” because the truck had sped up… in which I’d corrected her and told her that the truck was doing speed limit and following the rules of the road in a safe manor where she had sped up just so she could pass him(because she thought she could make it).

Side note(she’d brought my mental health into the argument to prove her point about me holding onto something like this… meanwhile my aunt had died in a car accident so I have a healthy fear of crazy people driving) she then started cussing me out because I don’t have a license and she’s never had a car accident in the 13 years she’s been driving, which is pure dumb luck I bet…

but was ITA for calling her out when she lied?