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Barely Different: I Capture The Bond Between My Two Daughters
User submission

Barely Different: I Capture The Bond Between My Two Daughters


I’m Anna Larson, Owner of Anna Christine Photography in Olympia, WA. I unknowingly began this photo series of my daughters two years ago by photographing them at play.

Their close connection was evident through the images and I saw a similarity that had bloomed from friendship. They are their own individuals with very different personalities, yet I see so many similarities because of their closeness. Two souls birthed on opposites sides of the world were brought together through adoption and they’re now inseparable. I plan to continue photographing them just as they are, and allowing this series to grow organically with them. It’s not skin that makes us different, or that causes separation and distance…no, it’s a lack of unity. When we grow beside another, our similarities bloom.

As a mother of three, I’ve grown to love documenting the life and human connections of the everyday. I photograph my children daily, but also love to tell the stories of others. My passion for this art is in photographing stories of birth and family. Each moment is life, and having images that remind us of the details within our stories is such a wonderful gift.

More info: | Facebook | Instagram

Meet Semenesh and Haven


Two souls birthed on opposites sides of the world were brought together through adoption

They’re now inseparable

They are their own individuals with very different personalities, yet I see so many similarities because of their closeness

It’s not skin that makes us different, or that causes separation


No, it’s a lack of unity

When we grow beside another, our similarities bloom


It’s opened my eyes to the potential we have to love and accept one another as brothers and sisters, just as they do


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Anna Larson

Anna Larson

Author, Community member

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This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.

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Anna Larson

Anna Larson

Author, Community member

This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.

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