A new webcomic about a poor little black kitten and One Group of British Scientists.

More info:

I am a cartoonist slave to his tomcat

Of course, I have to feed him (only the best stuff), brush him three times a day, and so on…

Additionally, he forces me to write down his stories and then make comic books about (most of those stories are fabricated, cause I see him sleeping most of the time)

The images above are from one of my comics book – this is called “Incatption”, basically Inception with cats


Recently I have started a new series – this time is a webcomic and it’s about Ozzy, a black tomcat, who, apparently, is playing a key role in BREXIT negociations

He was kidnapped by One Group of British Scientists and they intend to do some experiments on him in order to create a virus based on toxoplasma.