Please make these photos go viral and photo collage, want world to know that kindness exists and want employees and my friends at Arlington,MA Not Your Average Joe’s to be recognized, also a friend of mine is film director, he went to school Emerson college, hope Good Morning America, Will Smith , Ellen Degeneres, others makes big donation to support his movie The Treasure in the woods, $30,000 needs to be raised by Dec 2018, please spread word. I will be given small part in the movie, everyone that donates will receive copy of movie on dvd and credit in the movie, appreciate your support.

Please go viral act of kindness

I have been going to Not Your Average Joe’s since age 17 , first Watertown then Arlington,MA
Please make this collage go viral,
Arlington employee very kind, nice ,
Great friends, make me smile and made me smile on my birthday 10/23
Had dinner with a friend met a year ago at the restaurant on her birthday .
I was surprised, received two balloons, one says happy birthday and your the best.
A gift card, and candle in cup of raspberry sorbet, made wish , hope comes true.
Took photos with the employees.

My dream to appear with the my friends on Good Morning America

Good Morning America saw my Instagram story,
Always been my dream to appear on there, meet Michael, Robin Roberts, Take photos.
Hope my dream comes true, and want to meet Mariah Carey, Backstreetboys, Kelly Clarkson, Jeff Probst host of show Survivor and former contestants Rob and Sandra, and Elton John too,

Heartwarming messages on birthday card

This card made me cry, tears of joy , feel part of big family at Not Your Average Joe’s, many wonderful friends, very kind, took tome to wrote birthday wishes on this card,