Finding love is not easy, but maintaining a relationship is even harder.

LoveByte is a mobile app for couples to record their happy memories to form a meaningful, love journal containing favourite photos, notes and dates. Download LoveByte on iOS/Android:

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1. Make each other feel special

2. Laugh together often

3. Express gestures of love

4. Work together as a team

5. Fully accept each other

6. Say “please” and “thank you” often


7. Never go to bed angry

8. Take care of each other

9. Have meals together

10. Leave sweet, surprise love notes

11. Take time to say good night

12. Enjoy simple, fun moments

13. Be there through thick and thin

14. Work towards a shared future


15. Try new things together

16. Keep each other in balance

17. NEVER stop going on dates

18. Choose to see the best in each other

19. Help without expecting anything in return

20. Fight fairly

21. Make each other feel emotionally safe in the relationship

22. Check in on each other when you are apart


23. Recall the feeling when you first fell in love

24. Honestly discuss problems and solve them together

25. Stay true and loyal no matter what

26. REMEMBER special dates and moments spent together