I serviced 12 years of a rare blood disorder called Aplastic Aneamia. I was diagnosed with this at the age of 10, back in 2004. It was a struggle to do school as I was always tiered and fatigued also I was lacking concentration. I always had to have a special aide teacher just to help me understand the work. In February 2015 my specialist doctor told me it was time to do something about this as it was never changing. April 30th I was admitted into the Alfred hospital and had to under go having a Hickman line inserted under my chest, (white cord in picture) followed by a weeks worth a chemotherapy which lasted 2-3 hours a day. After the chemo all of my hair fell out (as you can see in the above picture) and my body felt like it was stiff and my bones felt as if they would shatter at any moment, it was the worst pain I had ever felt. On May 6th it was time for a transplant, my little sister kindly donated 4 leters of her bone marrow which was put into blood bags and connected to the Hickman line, this procedure took a total of 6 hours. I’ll save you all the gross details of what followed afterwards…

On June 4th I was released, I finally got to go home after 6-7 weeks. I was still very weak and it took a whole 6 months to regain my normal strength back, but it was totally worth it all.

I hope you liked my true story :)

After chemotherapy

Admission day