Stark health warnings, plain packaging and no advertising may the order of the day now, but it wasn’t always so for the tobacco industry.
Here’s a quick glimpse at some of the output of the Mad Men of yesteryear. It’s all here – exploiting weight anxieties, pushing aspirational lifestyles, cute babies, men in white coats, gratuitous cleavage shots and Santa.

Selling 40 for 10p dates this as much as the styling

Typical glamour shot of the day but its good to be assured that her throat’s safe – for now.

Is she advertising Pears soap or smoking?

Famous but unnamed authority confirms harsh irritants have been expelled. Eh?

They nailed the brief here!

Smoking will help you keep slender. Want to be size 0 – smoke three packs a day!

Move along, nothing to see here

A very understated ad that links smoking to women’s suffrage

Come fly with me

In the era of Amy Johnson and Amelia Earhart, there was seemingly nothing women couldn’t achieve – without a carton of smokes


Can’t believe that this ad actually ran!!

Stick a cute baby in the picture

But what’s the messaging here!?!

Family Guy

Your life is incomplete without a nuclear family and a carton of smokes!

Celebrity Endorsement

This is a double whammy – cigarettes endorsed by a movie star and with implied medical support

Guess this explains the voice?

Another big star endorsement for those scientific tests!



A fresh faced nurse – hey, now we gotta take her seriously – selling us ‘fresh’ cigarettes

Lazy day at the office

Got a long weekend planned. Let’s just put up a picture of a pretty girl.

Another lazy day at the office

Yup, another POETS day. Get the pretty pics out and keep pumping that ‘keen, young’ line

Dressed for the occasion?

Enuff said

Everyone loves Granny

OK, we’ve used babies but anyone want to bet that I can use a granny to pitch strong smokes?

Did he say inhale?


A man of action, a woman writhing on the floor in a cocktail dress and statistics!

Men in white coats

The 30 day test is also fun and enlightening for non-doctors too folks!

Anything Camel can do….

The folks at Lucky Strike strike back with their own man in a white coat, glasses and statistics

Me too

OK, Camel and Lucky Strike have the doctors but Viceroy thought outside the box and went for a dentist

Men in white coats? Pah, too lame

Keep your doctors and dentists because we have a firefighter and a matron and they want us to know that smoking aids digestion!

Smoking Bride

Great artwork but why??

Gee, thanks. I wanted a toaster


Brides and smoking? Is there a link?

Subtlety Over

Aha, link now spelt out for us – smoking calms you when you’re tensed. That’s that then.

Honeymooners pack light

Packed with pleasure? Uuffff

Nice nails

Well, the tension of the wedding is over and now I just have these nicotine stains to scrub

A Rockwell moment

Smoking is a social thing but please someone open a window, there’s four of us beautiful people smoking in here!!!

This is the moment?

Ah, yes, smoking our brand will make you socially successful, silly!


Same old, same old

Mr Telephone Man

Light up a Kent as you think of dynamic ways to express what you feel. Geez

Do not try this at home

I tried it once and got a slap!

Oh Dear

An ad aimed at women which is just as sexist as the “in yer face” one above

She knows what she likes at least

What did he say????

Was this a tongue-in-cheek ad I wonder?

Just because they can


Can’t think of any other reason for showing so much cleavage.

Back to white coats again

No vital statistics here, just a gratuitous cleavage shot

Last long legs of the genre

A throwback to the ads of the 40s and 50s. By the time this campaign ended, the writing really was on the wall.

Santa smokes???


Santa skives and smokes?

Was this in “The Night Before Christmas”?