February 14th is the most unwelcomed day for half of the population - the single people. And whether you're newly solo or forever alone, it's a crappy day to be solitary for a lot of us. The giant pink hearts and bunches of red roses do us nothing but remind us that we don't have anyone to hate it all with and leaves us with no consolation but single's jokes.
It all started with a day commemorating Saint Valentine, who, of course, was decapitated in the early years of our history. Since Saint Valentine wore a purple amethyst ring with an engraved cupid, the day soon was to be associated with love in general. What used to be an occasion for writing poems and true love letters, now is more of a commercial festivity and it doesn't mean that we want any part of it. Single memes are just not enough to mock it sometimes.
Thankfully, these cold-hearted individuals are helping us to compile a list of funny single quotes and turn the whole thing into a big joke because laughing yourself to sleep is a lot more fun than crying. The hashtag #WhyImSingle is currently taking over the Twittersphere, and you might find that a few of these funny single memes hit pretty close to home. Happy solo scrolling.
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A Practical Joke
The Single Life
Half-Priced Sweets, Anyone?
Best time to buy candy: Day after halloween, 2nd best day: February 15th!
Someone To Hate It All With
Relationship Status
Accepting The Fate
My Two Night Stands
... and a bed I don't have to share! one i can sleep on diagonally and naked if i wanted! How bow dah!
Kiss Cam
Meeting New People
Best Companion
The Lonely Dog
Patiently Waiting
Two Kinds Of Dates
The Only Single Person
Single vs. In A Relationship
A Cycle Of Sadness
but I don't think she can get out of the house and walk wherever she wants, so no way, she single
The Infamous Selfie
Hide The Desperation
Table For One
He Can Hear You!
A Valentine's Date
Single For A Loooong Time
lmao, I wonder when a dildo with solar energy will come to ladies.
Single People Jokes
Me vs. A Calendar
Joke Is On You
The Future Is Clear
Dating Tips
Single People Jokes
I actually have found that. If you are single and tell your friend they really deserve better than what they have (like someone with a job or at least actively looking for a job cause things happen, or someone that doesn't ask for rent money cause they drank it-again) you are just being jealous.
Valentine's Plans
Dancing With Myself
Reminds me of middle school dances "ya'll make sure you leave enough room for Jesus, now, you hear!?"
Lower Your Standards
Merry Christmas!
Telling The World
A New Single
Holding Hands
Perfect Date
Ideal For Valentine's
Now Now, lets not be sexist ... this can apply to some single fellas out there too!
Because Grammar
My boyfriend purposely miss-pronounces the word and after I correct it, he looks at me andgoes like "I am so proud of you."
Single By Choice
The Dating Pool
If You Need Someone To Talk To
Why Do You Ask?
Social Labels
You Know, This And That
Friend Zone
Wow. Rejected by your own voice. That or someone could hear and was yelling back...
Queue Up
Pizza My Heart
First Date Emergency
Single, Male, And English
Third Wheel
Its never fun being the third wheel on a date lol but I'm the bright side at least you got out of the house for a while
Grandma Can't Wait Any Longer
Valentine's Plans
It's A Date!
Making The Best
Dinner For Two
Single People Joke
Are you insane? You need to give them a head protection as well, or else everything will fall out on the way
Single People Joke
Single People Joke
Single People Joke
Single People Joke
Single People Joke
Single People Joke
Single People Joke
Single People Joke
Single People Joke
Single People Joke
Single People Joke
my friend saw this and said "MEEE". Every single girl at the table looked at one another knowingly and glared at him bc they've all liked him back at one point... when you think you're a third wheel but not..
Single People Joke
Single People Joke
Single People Joke
Single People Joke
Single People Joke
It would work on me too. That's clever enough to get my attention :p
Single People Joke
Single People Joke
Single People Joke
Hey, she uses my favorite bodywash too :D Eucalyptus Spearmint for the win!
Single People Joke
This type of picture happens so often that I'm fairly certain it's on purpose. i could Google it, but then my ad stream would be all desperate and lonely.