We Are A Couple Creating Unconventional Works “Painted” Only With Sewing Thread (36 Pics)
There are two of us behind the name VistulArt - Dagmara and Dariusz, working together, avant-garde self-taught artists from Warsaw, Poland. As an artistic duo, we create unconventional works “painted” only with sewing thread. It is also no secret that offstage, in private life, we’re a couple too. Art was actually one of the things that brought us to each other over 14 years ago and got us where we are now.
Each of our works is created with only three fixed components: a plywood board, several hundred steel nails placed along its edges, and miles of crossing thread in various colors, types, and thicknesses drawn between them. We don’t use any painting techniques, only and exclusively the thread is responsible for creating the entire picture.
We hope our thread paintings will evoke pleasant emotions and people will enjoy our string art as much as we enjoy creating it. And remember! It’s only the thread, no paint, ink, dye, etc.!
More info: Instagram | vistulart.com | Facebook | twitter.com | youtube.com
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Elvis Presley - One Of The Most Significant Cultural Icons Of The 20th Century
Plywood, 60cm/23.5" diameter
6000 connections
2 types/colors of the thread
To design the paintings, we use our own methods and proprietary digital tools developed from the ground up by Dariusz. It took nearly two years of work to consider ourselves ready to lay our artwork before the public.
Our string works can be defined as contemporary art on the borderline of new media and algorithmic art. To create it, we use a little-known technique called photorealistic and colorful string art. The lack of available know-how and ready-to-use tools, and the consequent need to develop one's own methods make this kind of string art a demanding and labor-intensive technique that only a few artists in the world have mastered.
Pythia, The Oracle Of Delphi
40x70 cm/15,7x27.5"
15000 connections
5,5 km/3,4 miles of the thread
32 types/colors of the thread
356 nails
Inspired by J. Malczewski's painting, 1917.
Ich weiß nicht, wie jemand so was Schönes mit Fäden machen kann. Sehr berührend.
The String Scream
70x40 cm/27.5x15.7"
13400 connections
5.5 km/3.4miles of the thread
24 types/colors of the thread
356 nails
Inspired by E. Munch's painting, 1893.
The need for creative work was one of the things that brought us to each other over 15 years ago and got us where we are now. Since art has always held a special place in our hearts and minds, we have long sought our niche in the art field. Until three and a half years ago, we found that special thing that we both felt was missing in our lives. So, our art adventure started over three years ago, with the pandemic time. The Covid lockdown and all the stay-at-home orders turned out to be a turning point for us. It was a chance to change our lives, start a new chapter focused on passion, and make it a serious, at least part-time job.
At the same time, we heard for the first time about this unique artistic technique. As it was a combination of modern technologies with an unconventional approach to contemporary art, it immediately stole our hearts. We questioned ourselves whether we would be capable of creating this cerebral and tough kind of art. The task proved to be really ambitious, but the more demanding the challenge, the more Dariusz (who is, among other things, a software developer) wanted to take it on. So, it took long months to develop creative methods, but finally, Dariusz provided us with the very first version of our working tool: software to design works of art created only by means of miles of intersecting threads.
An interesting feature of this innovative technique is the unusual way in which the viewer perceives the image. The more distance one looks at the picture, the more details one sees. The distance makes the shape emerge more and more clearly from the seeming chaos of crossing threads.
The String-Art Portrait Of Marlon Brando As Don Vito Corleone, From The Great Movie "The Godfather" (1972)
Plywood, 60cm/23.5" diameter
12600 connections
6 km/3,7 miles of the thread
24 types/colors of the thread
256 nails
String Venus
80 cm/31.5" diameter
11000 connections
6,5 km/4 miles of the thread
8 types/colors of the thread
300 nails
Inspired by S. Botticelli's most famous painting, the mid-1480s.
It’s a relatively new artistic technique and there are no sources of knowledge, no ready-to-use tools, and they do not teach it anywhere. The need to develop all the know-how yourself, from the ground up made the first two years the most difficult part for us. We developed our skills, learned by trial and error, and created the proprietary software we use to design our artworks. Today, it's been more than three and a half years since we started working with this special technique. Now we can focus more on creating images as such, rather than on developing methods and building ourselves working tools. However, we are constantly improving our skills and honing our techniques.
Steel M6
60cm/23.5" diameter
12000 connections
5,5 km/3,4 miles of the thread
13 types/colors of the thread
256 nails
Dang. That's nutty, it looks so real. I'd bolt before I attempted to string this kind of project together.
Blue-Eyed Cat
15000 connections
6.4 km/4miles of the thread
27 types/colors of the thread
356 nails
How long it takes for us to create one fully finished "painting" is one of the most frequently asked questions we get. There is no single answer, it all depends on the actual thread painting. Usually creating a thread painting takes a few days up to around two weeks.
While the intricate winding of miles of thread may seem like the most labor-intensive and time-consuming part of our work, it’s usually not. We often find that the first stage of creating the thread painting, which is "drawing" the digital design of the artwork, consumes most of the working time. Creating a design of a painting involves precisely planning the placement of every centimeter of miles of thread. Among other things, we adjust the types and colors of threads we are going to use, set the order of the threads, and plan each of the dozens of layers arranged in the right order. This continues until the end result meets our expectations. Only when we are satisfied with the design can we begin the second, easier stage of the work, which is winding the threads onto the nails according to the plan. It’s a time-consuming technique, but practice makes perfect, and over time one becomes more proficient.
Mademoiselle Poum Rachou
40x70 cm/15,7x27.5"
14000 connections
5.2 km/3.2 miles of the thread
34 types/colors of the thread
356 nails
Inspired by T. de Lempicka's painting, 1933.
String Portrait Of A Couple In Love
40x70 cm/15,7x27.5"
15000 connections
5,5 km/3,4 miles of the thread
29 types/colors of the thread
356 nails
String Portrait Of Tamara De Lempicka
60 cm/23.5" diameter
15000 connections
7 km/4,3 miles of the thread
31 types/colors of the thread
256 nails
The artwork is made from an old, black-and-white artist's photo.
String Portrait Of A Polish Historical Figure, Jan Zamoyski
40x70 cm/27,5x15,7"
15000 connections
5.7 km/3,5 miles of the thread
28 types/colors of the thread
356 nails
String Girlfriends
15000 connections
5.9 km/3.7 miles of the thread
19 types/colors of the thread
356 nails
String L’éclat
60 cm/23.5" diameter
13660 connections
6,1 km/3.8 miles
19 types/colors of the thread
256 nails
Inspired by T. de Lempicka's painting, 1932.
Mercedes 300 Sl Gullwing From 1954
15000 connections
6,2 km/3.85 miles of the thread
27 types/colors of the thread
356 nails
Portrait Of The Fiancée
Plywood, 60cm/23.5" diameter
13900 connections
6,3km/3.9 miles
15 types/colors of the thread
The artwork was inspired by the painting "Portrait of the Fiancée", 1887 by the great Polish symbolist painter who is one of the most revered painters of Poland.
Plywood 60x60cm /23,6x23,6"
388 nails
15000 connections
6,9 km/4,3 miles of the thread
23 types/colors of the thread
The artwork was inspired by the work of Jacek Malczewski, the great Polish symbolist painter. The portrait entitled "Nike of the Legions" was painted in 1916.
In Greek mythology, Nike was a goddess who personified victory in any field including war, athletics and art.
La Sagesse
Plywood, 60cm/23.5" diameter
11300 connections
16 types/colors of the thread
The artwork was inspired by the great Polish Art Deco painter, Tamara Łempicka and one of her paintings, "La Sagesse", 1940-41.
Saint Moritz
Plywood, 60cm/23.5" diameter
14000 connections
6.6 km/ 4,1 miles of the thread
20 types/colors of the thread
256 nails
Inspired by an artwork entitled "Saint Moritz", painted in 1929 by Tamara de Lempicka, the great Art Deco diva and one of our favorite Polish artists.
Portrait In Abstract Colors #5
Plywood, 40cm x 70cm / 15.7" x 27.5"
356 nails
12000 connections
4.4km / 2.7miles
19 types/colors of the thread
Four Seasons - Autumn
Plywood, 70cm x 40cm / 27.5" x 15.7"
356 nails
15000 connections
5.6km / 3.5miles
24 types/colors of the thread
The City Hall Historic Building In Zamość
15000 connections
5,5 km/3,4 miles of the thread
25 types/colors of the thread
356 nails
Printed Circuit Board
60 cm/23.5" diameter
9500 connections
3,4 km/2,1 miles of the thread
7 types/colors of the thread
256 nails
Red Rose In Full Bloom
40x70 cm/15.7"x27.5"
15000 connections
5 km/3.1 miles of the thread
17 types/colors of the thread
356 nails
String Enchantment
70x40 cm/27,5x15,7"
15000 connections
5,7 km/3,5 miles of the thread
36 types/colors of the thread
356 nails
Inspired by J. Malczewski's painting, 1906.
Four Seasons - Winter
Plywood, 70cm x 40cm / 27.5" x 15.7"
356 nails
15000 connections
5.5km / 3.4miles
34 types/colors of the thread
String Art Artwork Inspired By The Portrait Of Leontyna Gogulska By Jacek Malczewski
Plywood, 60x60cm/23.5x23,5"
388 nails
15.000 connections
6,7 km/ 4,2miles of the thread
29 types/colors of the thread
According to Gogulska's family, Malczewski himself wanted to paint the portrait because she was reminding him of his beloved mother, who died in 1898.
Portrait In Abstract Colors #1
Plywood, 40cm x 70cm / 15.7" x 27.5"
356 nails
10000 connections
3.6km / 2.2miles
22 types/colors of the thread
The Artwork Inspired By The Painting "Autoportrait (Tamara In A Green Bugatti)", 1929 (V2), By Tamara De Lempicka
Plywood, 80cm x 60cm / 31.5" x 23.6"
548 nails
17000 connections
8.5km / 5.3miles
40 types/colors of the thread
The Artwork Inspired By The Painting "Saint Moritz", 1929 (V2), By Tamara De Lempicka
Plywood, 60cm x 80cm / 23.6" x 31.5"
548 nails
15000 connections
8km / 5miles
33 types/colors of the thread
Four Seasons - Summer
Plywood, 70cm x 40cm / 27.5" x 15.7"
356 nails
15000 connections
5.2km / 3.2miles
37 types/colors of the thread
Four Seasons - Spring
Plywood, 70cm x 40cm / 27.5" x 15.7"
356 nails
15000 connections
5.2km / 3.2miles
47 types/colors of the thread
Portrait In Abstract Colors #3
Plywood, 40cm x 70cm / 15.7" x 27.5"
356 nails
14000 connections
5.3km / 3.3miles
30 types/colors of the thread
String Art Painting Inspired By An Artwork Entitled "La Musicienne", Painted In Paris, 1929 (V2), By Tamara De Lempicka
Plywood, 60cm x 80cm / 23.6" x 31.5"
548 nails
16000 connections
7.7km / 4.8miles
41 types/colors of the thread
John Paul II, The Second-Longest-Serving Pope In Modern History
60cm/23.5" diameter
13300 connections
15 types/colors of the thread
Portrait In Abstract Colors #2
Plywood, 40cm x 70cm / 15.7" x 27.5"
356 nails
12000 connections
4.4km / 2.7miles
25 types/colors of the thread
Portrait In Abstract Colors #4
Plywood, 40cm x 70cm / 15.7" x 27.5"
356 nails
14000 connections
5km / 3.1miles
31 types/colors of the thread
Wow, that's creative! I wonder how these are made and how long it does take to make one piece. Do they use a machine to connect the thread, of is this done by hand? 15000 connections would take more than 4 hours when 1 connection is made per second. But I guess nobody can do it at this speed. Certainly not because every thread has to be connected to the right nail to achieve the desired picture, and such attention for precision slows down 'production' speed.
Wow, that's creative! I wonder how these are made and how long it does take to make one piece. Do they use a machine to connect the thread, of is this done by hand? 15000 connections would take more than 4 hours when 1 connection is made per second. But I guess nobody can do it at this speed. Certainly not because every thread has to be connected to the right nail to achieve the desired picture, and such attention for precision slows down 'production' speed.