Undoubtedly, the most enjoyable and funny jokes are the ones we can relate to. And there’s nothing more relatable than the struggles and thoughts everyone goes through on a daily basis. After all, no one is immune to failure. And as the good ol’ saying goes—if you can't change the situation, change your attitude. May that attitude be humorous and positive. To support the positive vibes, we’ve rounded up a ton of self-deprecating jokes for you to heartily laugh at!
Below, you’ll find our list of funny adult jokes that you will likely particularly enjoy if you have humor similar to ours! Which might at times be on the darker side but is always and forever well-meaning. Found a self-deprecating joke that creased you up? Or perhaps you found some of these short, funny jokes appropriate for an IG photo caption? Let us know in the comments section!
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I said “hello” to darkness my old friend, and it told me that it doesn’t want to be my friend.
Feel free to use me as a bad example. That way, I won’t be totally useless.
I look forward to being an energy vampire's therapist. I guess my certified and professionally trained therapist will look forward to seeing me more often.
I’m quite smart and intelligent. Most of the time, I don’t even understand a single word of what I’m talking about.
What Is Self-Deprecating Humor? Is It Bad?
First of all, let’s figure out what is self-deprecation. The self-deprecating definition is simply modesty or criticism of oneself. Some say that self-deprecating jokes are humiliating and degrading. On the contrary! We believe it takes a confident yet humble person who knows their weaknesses and shortcomings yet isn't afraid to point them out and laugh about them. After all, there’s not a single flawless person. Flaws are exactly what makes us human. No need to hide them under lock and key.
Other than that, cracking funny, self-deprecating jokes and being able to laugh at yourself have been proven to be good for your health. Multiple studies have shown that people who regularly poke fun at themselves exhibit more significant levels of mental well-being. How often have you heard someone say that laughter is the best medicine? Hopefully, just enough times to believe that statement and get one’s prescription filled.
I just realized that my life can’t fall apart if I never had it together in the first place.
Not to brag, but I haven’t had a mood swing in, like, 7 minutes.
I’m only posting on social media so everyone else can feel better about themselves. You’re welcome.
Why Are We Attracted to Self-Deprecating Humor?
At first glance, the main appeal of self-deprecating humor seems to lie in its simple, humorous perspective. However, the reasons why we enjoy it are multi-faceted and complex. Psychological, social, and even cultural factors influence our liking of these inside jokes!
While it is definitely a topic to be looked at in-depth, to put it simply, we like self-deprecating humor because it’s highly relatable. Moreover, it works as a social bonding and coping mechanism and is, in a way, a form of self-regulation. What’s more, self-deprecating jokes clearly mirror our cultural norms and are, according to some psychological theories, a way to reduce cognitive dissonance.
And here we thought these sarcastic jokes were merely to entertain us!
Sorry, demons! There’s no room inside me because I’m self-possessed.
People say that I’m creative and I couldn’t agree more because I create most of my own problems.
I can’t deny that I made a lot of mistakes when I was younger. I’m older now, so I can make different, yet more severe mistakes.
I'm a scientist, I like to repeat the same mistakes to make sure there isn't any changes in the results.
What Do You Say When Someone Puts Themselves Down?
There’s always at least a grain of truth in every joke, and that’s especially true with sarcastic humor. So, if you sense that someone is trying to look for a kind word when sharing their self-deprecating jokes, this is what you can say to them:
Acknowledge their feelings—make them feel seen and heard;
Express concern—a genuine concern for their well-being might be just the ticket to make them feel better;
Challenge negative thoughts—try to change their negative perspective and offer a different take on the situation;
Listen attentively—maybe a good shoulder to cry on is all they need;
Offer support—let them know you’re there for them!
Always remember that each of us is different, and you know your friends the best, so tailor your response the way only you know how. The goal here is always to be compassionate and supportive!
Meanwhile, why don’t we check more of these sarcastic jokes, have a lighthearted laugh, and forget all our troubles for a wee bit longer?
I actually have friends despite of myself.
Every day is Friday when you’re unemployed.
I’m the human equivalent of a typo.
Sticks and stones may break my bones, but hurtful words can’t reach me anymore because anything mean you say to me, I’ve definitely said it to myself at some point in my life.
If I remember correctly, the last time that I was someone’s type was when I was donating blood in the blood drive.
I’m on my 36th selfie attempt, and I’m still refusing to acknowledge that this isn’t my day.
I feel great and ready to go do things up until I see a photo of myself. Best budgeting tool I've ever had.
What’s the similarity between a broken pencil and my life?
They’re both pointless.
To the younger folks, "pencils" are utensils with which humans used to scrawl figures on paper. Half of which are (were) impossible to read even by the writer (BTW kids, thats where the term "writing" came from).
Job interviewer: Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Me: I would say my biggest weakness is listening.
Do mood swings count as exercise?
The good news is: I’m pretty much who I say I am. The bad news is: I’m pretty much who I say I am.
Someone, please help me! I’m way too young to be this old already.
I turned 68 a few months ago. How did I jump there so quickly when I was just 17 the day before?!?
I’m proud to say that I never make the same mistake twice. I commit my mistakes more than twice just to make sure.
I have more conversations with the voices in my head than I do with actual people.
To the powers that be, if it’s inevitable that something bad must happen to me, at least make it funny.
All my imaginary friends tell me that I need therapy.
Time to get back on my regularly scheduled nonsense.
Today’s a really wonderful day. I don’t trust it.
Watch me make bad decisions even without the influence of alcohol.
Will my anxiety leave me too if I fall in love with it?
I don't even have to fall in love with it, just show interest. Lol
I'm at a really low point right now, but the good news is that the worst is still to come.
When I'm in a happy mood and people think it's "the real me". Nope, it's the other one.
My exercise routine includes running away from my problems, running late, and running my mouth non-stop.
Will this outfit get me the romantic partner of my dreams? Tune in tomorrow for the next episode of “Nope.”
One of my favorite things I like to do is go home to be ugly in peace.
I found my purpose! I will design emotional rollercoasters. My experience will speak for itself!
People think I have no friends, I don't agree, my buddies Anxiety and Depression show me a great time.
They say money talks. But all mine says is goodbye.
Having very low expectations is the secret to happiness. Should I drop it more?
I told someone this recently. I set the bar reallllll low so when I do show up it's a miracle.
Just because I’m trash doesn’t mean I won’t be able to achieve great things. Remember, it’s called a garbage can, not a garbage cannot.
My life’s purpose is to be a cautionary tale for others.
People call me an alcoholic whenever I drink alcohol. But, when I drink Fanta, people never call me fantastic.
Alas, I finally discovered the reason why I look so bad in photos. It’s my face.
It is...and my body. I was meant to be in the era of portraits where you can make the artist modify your looks.
Last night I got asked out by not one, not two, but zero people!
I don’t have a nervous system. I am a nervous system!
If you could convert anxiety into power I'd be an infinite source of energy.
I accidentally messed up my life. How do start a new account?
My manager asked if I take constructive criticism and I said yes while wiping away my teary eyes.
How do I moisturize my face? I use my own tears!
Have you ever felt like your entire life is just a big school exam? I sure did, and I’m quite certain that I didn’t study for it.
Am I a good person? No. But do I try to make myself a better person each day? Also no.
Siri, how to look good while crying?
So, I stumbled upon this question asking if I’m an early bird or a night owl? I’m neither! I’m some form of permanently-exhausted pigeon.
My fridge is as empty as me.
I’m pretty sure I’m going to end up having 10 to 20 cats in my old age.
I'm up to 8 cats now. My best advice is, don't do it. Unless you really, really like stepping in cold wet cat vomit in the middle of the night, shoveling the worst smelling sh*t known to man, being covered in cat hair, and having your shoes peed on for no apparent reason other than cats are *ssholes. Although, as my vet once observed, there's never a dull moment at my house! Alas.
Whenever I visit a doctor he says I should be charged for the crime of not taking care of myself.
“Today is not my day,” I mutter to myself every single day.
"Maybe next life it'll be better" I say to myself in hopes that reincarnation is real.
My entire life is a big joke. So, tell why exactly I need to celebrate April Fool’s Day again?
I’m actually a very hardworking person. Almost everything becomes harder when I’m the one working on it.
I may be trash, but I burn with a bright flame.
Using the “y=mx+b” formula, calculate the slope at which my life is going downhill.
When I’m ready to sleep, I don’t bother checking if my foot is hanging off the end of my bed anymore. Come get me, demons.
I find it amusing when people try to insult me. They have no idea that I roast myself on a daily basis.
*winks at my reflection in the mirror*
*reflection walks away*
Don’t mind me. I’m just having an existential crisis. Move along, folks.
I hope whatever bad things happen to me are at least funny.
If my thoughts had a font it would be comic sans.
I require very specific conditions to thrive, but even when those conditions are met, it is unlikely.
I need silence, darkness, a comfortable bed and my music. I'll bring the existential dread.
You’re guessing that out of the 8 billion people here on Earth, I’m going to chase someone who doesn’t even like me? Well, watch me closely because that’s exactly what I’m going to do.
Watch me do it again too if you didn't believe me the first time.
Whenever I look at the mirror, it shows me what I lack, not what I have.
I believe in my pet dog more than I believe in myself.
Tests results came back positive you never owned a dog and are talking to a tumor on your leg hate been there for years
Life is like a box of chocolates. But for some reason, I got the gross dark chocolate with the orange flavor in the middle.
My life is like a box of chocolates but someone ate all the good ones, left the orange ones, took the plastic mold and left the box in the sun for a few hours.
What do you mean, “What have I been up to?” I’m out here ruining my own life as always!
Those haters have no idea what they’re doing! I’ll show them how it’s done by hating myself the most.
I hate losing more than anything in the world. That’s why I can’t lose any weight.
Rock bottom is not low enough, I need to get lower!
Guess who’s posting self-deprecating stuff instead of doing something productive and worthwhile?
The only Apple products I can afford are actual Apples.
My teacher called me average. How mean!
If the government can shut down, then why can’t I?
You can, that's called death (for temporary shut downs, you can have a coma but you may die while in it)
Don’t get me wrong, being naked feels awesome, and I wish I could do it more. Well, just without any of the visual consequences.
If body heat was based on physical attractiveness, everyone within a 1-mile radius of me would freeze to death.
They'd drop me in the middle of a artic and all of a sudden we'll have glaciers re-forming.
What’s wrong?
Nothing. This is just the regular expression of my face!
I’ve got 99 problems, and 98 of them can be attributed to poor time management and self-control.
Self-deprecating humor is my cardio.