The new situation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic was very tough on individual sports. This period is highly challenging for swimmers who were forced to pause their training due to the closure of swimming pools and to find other ways to stay in shape.

One of the swimmers who was forced to pause with the trainings was Eva Baramacheva from Skopje, the capital of North Macedonia, who at the beginning of this year returned to active swimming after a pause of three years. But her efforts to return to shape lasted only three months.

From the moment the swimming pools were closed in March, Eva had a brief break with her training sessions and with the help of her trainer Aleksandar Malenko she tried to find a way to stay in shape.

After 11 days of forced break from swimming, they found a solution. Eva returned to swimming, only this time the sessions took place at her home, in a 2x2m swimming pool in her backyard. Firstly, she is doing dry swimming exercises and then with the help of elastic rope, due to the limited space, she swims stationary

For around 100 days, Eva was training in all kinds of weather conditions – wind, rain and even snow, during the unexpected snowfalls in April.

During her talk Eva said that at the beginning she found it difficult to adjust to the new “normal”, but at the same time she is happy with the solution to her problem.

“It was strange in the beginning and it was hard to get use to this small space. I swam in rain and snow, but I was happy because with the coach we found a solution, even though it took us ten days to come up with it. And then everything was OK,” said Eva, laughingly.


She also reminds that she took a three year-break with swimming. “I began swimming at the beginning of January with my coach and I think if we didn’t find this solution, I wouldn’t be able to swim and return into shape for competitions” said Eva Baramacheva

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