June is Pride Month, with marches and festivals taking place in many places around the world. While the fight for freedom, acceptance, and protection is far from won in many places, it is still a time of celebration, fun, and outrageous color and glamor, something that the LGBTQ+ community does extremely well!
Something else the community does well is being hysterically funny. In this list compiled by Bored Panda, you'll see some of our favorite funny and witty pride captions made just for the occasion, and they are sure to have you chuckling along, too, regardless of your sexual orientation.
Scroll down to check them out for yourself below, and don't forget to upvote your favorite pride captions!
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I'm Cool With It
Trump: The Only Dick I Cannot Handle
82 Years (And 9 Months) Of Being Gay! But Maybe It's Just A Phase I'm Going Through
What, are you telling us it's not just a phase?! Who'd have thought! (BTW, good on you - old, fit, out, and proud!)
How Do You Come Up With Funny Pride Captions?
Thinking of attending a pride parade in support of your friends or thinking of the perfect pride captions to share your views? We get it; it’s quite a daunting task to come up with something ingeniously witty! But no worries are needed, as we found a couple of tips that might help you here:
Understand the topic. Learn the nuances of LGBTQ+ culture and issues. That way, you can craft relevant and respectful pride captions.
Use humor. The LGBTQ+ community is known for their incredible wit, so don't be shy about trying to match that! After all, funny Pride Month captions catch the most attention.
Keep it positive. While humor is an essential part of Pride Month captions, be sure that your jokes are essentially positive and inclusive. Nobody wants a Debbie Downer in their ranks!
Experiment and have fun. Don’t be afraid of experimenting with your pride captions. By letting your creativity run free, you might discover something unexpectedly ingenious.
Keep these tips in mind, and we are sure you’ll construct the most flamboyant, wittiest, and brightest pride captions to ever grace a Parade. Still, if you need a bit more inspiration, take a look at the funny pride captions on this list.
If You Don't Like Gay Marriage, Blame Straight People. They're The Ones Who Keep Having Gay Babies
Even If Being Gay Was A Choice - So What?? People Choose To Be Assholes And They Can Get Married
If God Hates Gays Why Are We So Cute
Jesus Had 2 Dads. He Turned Out Fine
And his mother had never slept with a man and conceived by IVF...
Some Christians Are Gay. Get Over It
If Harry Potter Taught Us Anything, It's That No One Deserves To Live In A Closet
Jesus Hung Out With 12 Guys And Prostitute. He Was More Like Me Than Like You
The Gay Agenda
I'm Not Gay, I Just Like Rainbows
I Was Born Gay, You Were Taught Religion
If You Don't Like Gay Marriage, Don't Get Gay Married
Please Don't Divorce My Dads
Leviticus Also Said "No Hair Cuts", But I Guess We Are Skipping That One
There are also the bits about owning slaves, and beating wives - nicely, of course...
Being Gay Is Like Glitter It Never Goes Away
As Jesus Said About Gay People:
In a just world that's all that should need to be said by a religion about gay people.
Cuz Only Very Fragile Egos Fear Equality
It's A Little Weird You Care So Much About My Genitals. Are You Sure You're Not Gay?
Seriously, at least some of them are, and are in vociferous denial.
If I Can't Marry My Boyfriend Then I'll Marry Your Daughter!
I Support Gay Marriage. I Believe They Have The Right To Be As Miserable As The Rest Of Us
This is a quote from Kinky Friedman when he ran for governor of Texas. Kinky should run for president!
Corduroy Skirts Are A Sin
Who Do You Think Designed Your Wedding Dress?
I know, right! I watch "Say Yes to the Dress" in Manhattan just to see Randy show his Fairy Godmother powers off!
God Blessed Me With A Gay Son
Guys, I Said I Have Figs
Being Straight Was My Phase
Great picture of Cleveland lakefront. Doesn’t look like s**t as it usually does.
Hi Mom Guess What
#1 Threat To America: Gay Mexican Muslim Bears
Simba Was Raised By 2 Guys And He Turned Out Fine
You Get A Marriage. You Get A Marriage. Everybody Gets A Marriage
Does This Ass Make My Country Look Small
Kim + Kanye Can Name A Child North West And I Can't Get Married?!
Evil Gay Agenda: Love, Monogamy, Family, Puppies
3 Words That Will Save The Economy: Gay Bridal Registry
HAHAHAHA! The U.S. could afford free healthcare AND free higher education!
The Westboro Baptist Church Should Drink The Kool-Aid Already
My Mom Is Seeking A Husband For Me, Anyone?
Don't Mess With Dumbledore's Rights
Gay By Birth, Fabulous By Choice
Straight? So Is Spaghetti, Until You Heat It Up
If Liza Can Marry Two Gay Man, Why Can't I Marry One?
If Hillary Was President We'd All Be At Brunch Right Now
God Said Adam + Eve. So I Did Both
The Safeword Is Covfefe
No Matter Who U Love Make Sure Love Makes U Grow
Would You Rather I Marry Your Daughter?
Married 4 Years - Longer Than Britney Spears
These Guys Are Wrong (God Loves You)
You're Making Ellen Sad
Please Pay No Attetion To My Loud-Mouthed Boyfriend
Dogs Loves Fags
I Liked It, But I Couldn't Put A Ring On It!
Somewhere Over The Rainbow July Garland Is Waiting To Slap Your Narrowminded A** Upside The Head
We Can Be Heroes Just For One Day
He's Gay
Donny's Got A Sugar Vladdy
Who Do We Gotta Blow To Release Trump's Tax Returns
I accidentally read that as "blow up". A significantly... different message.
Happyjust Engaged But Still Outraged
We Shall Overcomb!
Gay Marriage Will Ruin My Relationship Not Yours!
I can not understand why anyone would fight so hard and spend so much money against something that does not affect them. Maybe do something about poverty with that time and money. Something "The Prince of Peace" would do....
Dorothy Left Kansas For A Reason
Nice touch. At the beginning of the Wizard of Oz the scenes are all shot in black and white.
Nolonger Getting Over It!
It Aint No Lie Baby I'm Bi Bi Bi
What makes him greedy. You are being rude. God does not hate gays,bi,lesbian,or anyone he loves everyone for who they are . I am 12 years old and am most likely having to explain to an adult that there acting like a two year old. Actually... that’s offensive to two year olds your just an a*s . I have a best friend who recently came out . She just got out of the hospital because she slit her wrists due to people like you. She lost her mother due to cancer and is very depressed if you don’t have anything nice to say don’t say it all.
Don't Act Like You're Not Turned On
Dear Pope, Thank You For Allowing Hiv To Spread, Discrimination Against Women, Opposing Gay Marriage And Covering For Pedophiles. Just Kidding, Please Stop
Tim Minchin has a good song for this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fHRDfut2Vx0
The Gay Agenda
I Have A Sign
Attention Heterosexuals: We Want To Be Miserable, Too
God Hates Signs
Parents should be ashamed of using their children for a political agenda.