Is there something you wish could be invented, but you think it would be incredibly difficult to create?


time machine, a classic


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dream to movie maker



A Star Trek-like "Transporter". But judging by all the episodes with all the "accidents" I'm not sure I'd be keen to use it so often. The Food replicator would be a nice one though.



Off switch for your brain


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Dog bark translator


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Love potions that would actually work and be completely foolproof, except you could stop them from working if you gave it to someone and got tired of them.


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A device that allows me to watch anything I want, even if imaginary.


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You want something really creative? Okay. English was always my best subject in school, as I was good at making up stories for creative writing. One of my past ideas was set in a futuristic setting, where a high-tech suit was created for the wearer’s protection (which I dubbed “Skin-Lock”, as it locked onto the person’s body). No one could forcibly remove the clothing, the pockets were inaccessible to everyone except the wearer (but in a way that they couldn’t be forced to open them), it covered every inch of their body except their head (a “Head-Lock” made by the same company was also on offer separately) & was made to withstand the most extreme elements, so they couldn’t be killed by those wanting to rob & murder them. It also kept them warm in any below-temp environments & had an inner-cooling system for heatwaves & hotter surroundings. If the buyer had a medical condition, they could have attachments put on their suit to cater to them (obviously for a fee); whether they have heart issues with a need to defibrillate, diabetes that requires insulin or glucose, etc. Beyond this, I didn’t have much else inspiration for continuing with a story for it, so it was one of my flops. I was told that it was a powerful idea, though. I’ve still got it written in my notes with the exact date, so it should be safe enough that no one will steal it (& you’d have to be be pretty low to swipe a unique on-record story idea from an autistic person with multiple life-altering disabilities/illnesses, TBH). 📝🤷‍♀️🙂


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See Also on Bored Panda

Animal translator


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A time machine that lets you go back to an alternative time period where whatever you do gets reset after you leave. Maybe like a VR game where you can live life in 900BC and then when you die you come back to the present and like an hour passed or something.


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A thought/dream recorder


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