Don't worry, I won't tell... or will I? Hehehehehe!
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Honestly, this might not be as silly as some of them, but I'm scared of men. Specifically, men's d***s. I am terrified that a man can overpower me and force me to have sex with him.
This is a legitimate fear given that it's a real thing that happens all the time. I wish it didn't.
I am afraid that if I hang my foot or hand/arm off the side of the bed while sleeping a monster is going to jump up and grab me.... I am 48 and still can't allow this to happen.
Having my hands and feet showing when i'm sleeping, my feet can't be out from under the blanket, even if I get hot, Hands can't be out from under my pillow, even if I get uncomfortable, and I don't know why.
Walking up open steps staircases, because a ghost can grab my feet
Okay, I know that you're all going to make fun of me but I am afraid of moths. My husband thinks I'm crazy but I once had to shut off access to my bedroom and bathroom to sleep on the couch until my husband could get home and hunt down the gargantuan moth that somehow made it's way into our apartment. I'm not proud of this but I was prepared to pee outside. I can only trace this fear back to when I was a toddler and my mom thought she was doing something fun by opening up a bush and showing me a huge moth. She said "Come look!" So I got my face right up to the bush and when she parted the leaves a mother the size of my head flew right into my face and I screamed bloody murder.
I'm afraid of latex balloons. The sound they make when they rub together (watching/hearing someone make a balloon animal is pure fear for me), when people overinflate them to the point of popping, when they DO pop. I'm okay being in the same room as them, but the minute people start to play with them and there's a chance of them popping, I freak out. I made the mistake of telling someone at work that I was scared of balloons and she scoffed and then popped one right in front of my face when I wasn't paying attention. I promptly broke into tears (at that time, I was a 40yr old woman) and had to go sit alone to calm down.
This is a legitimate fear. I'm scared of latex balloons too. Once when I was young, my mom challenged me to a balloon blowing contest to see who could make the biggest one. Mine popped. A piece of the latex went back into my throat, and I couldn't breathe. My mom had to stick her finger down my throat and pull it out. I cried and cried because I was so scared but everyone else just laughed. I think of it every time I see a latex balloon.
Mine is flying insects, or more accurately, the buzzing sound that they make when they fly right next to your ear. I don't know why, it just wigs me out. I'm fine with bees, but flies, wasps, or god forbid, hornets, they all at least make me jump, if not run inside.
I was in Ghana with my now ex. He was borned there, but I had to laugh as a praying mantis came wissing by and he lunged at me to cover my ears, because accordint to him "they want to live in your ear". I grew up on national geographic and animal planet, but he got his reward later that night, for being so brave and reactive, when faced with a great fear of his <3 Koby, Still love you, Paaaahhhh <3
I am terrified of mirrors. The only mirrors in my house are the ones above the bathroom sinks (three total). I struggle in public bathrooms because there are so many, I cannot look into mirrors in unfamiliar places, and I have to cover hotel mirrors if they are too big or not in the bathroom. I lived in an apartment once that the bathroom mirror was visible from my bed so I hung curtains over them that I could open when I needed to use the mirror and close the rest of the time.
I'm fine with mirrors, unless it's dark. Then absolutely not. I won't even open my eyes when I go to the bathroom at night so I don't look in the mirror. And yes, I also cover mirrors in hotels!
Chihuahuas. Firstly, the name itself scares me- and then it's the fact that they take out their fury of being tiny on everyone around them. Big dogs are sweet gentle giants. Chihuahua's probably take a bite out of everyone to add to their collection. (I know from experience)
Also Anger from inside out is the shortest. Just saying.
Chihuahuas are like #4 on the list of dogs most likely to bite. I think they would be higher on the list, but some people don't want to admit that they got scared off by a Chihuahua.
dinosaurs. i used to like them a lot, but after watching jurassic park when i was 5, and having way too many nightmares all throughout elementary school, i am terrified of them
Clowns, been terrified of them since i was little. There's just something about all the exaggerated features, big eyes and even bigger smile that never changes even if the persons facial expression does.
No thank you.
That my forgetful nature is early signs of something far worse. I'm 35 and yet I don't remember much of the past. I can remember my children being born, but I can't remember how it happened. It truly scares me how much I do not remember...
Please see a neurologist. It really could be something if you are concerned enough to post here.
I have to turn a light on before getting out of bed at night or else something will come out of the electric socket and get me. Used to run to the bathroom and run back to bed and leap into bed but worked through that a bit for fear of breaking the bed.
My silliest fear is that God is real.
Sharks, crocodilles and pyranhas in the pool.
I'm scared of opening my eyes underwater. Something about the way things look in water just creeps me out. I'm also scared of seeing the moon through a telescope, or even just binoculars. It looks so weird and huge.
I am less afraid of earthquakes than I am of hurricanes. It realy should be the other way around. It is impossible to predict when and where an earthquake will happen but you can with some accuracy predict a hurricanes path. I also live where there are a lot of earthquakes and few hurricanes.
You asked for SILLIEST; I'm giving you silliest. I got put under for minor surgery. I'm told when I first came to, they had to put me back under, because I was so agitated that I had to get out of these and stop something horrible from happening. It took eight people to hold me down and put me back under. I woke up with no memory of the incident, but the funny thing is I made several predictions which turned out true. What if I figured something out that could prevent an absolute catastrophe, and they made me forget it?
I inherited my mother's sense of direction (nonexistent) and also her fear of getting lost. Even with GPS I still get very upset if I miss a turn or don't understand the next steps. I know I'll never, like, vanish forever...but I still think "And this is how I die" every time. Perhaps I also inherited Mom's overly dramatic nature...
I'm scared of looking through TV shows and movies on Netflix. It's terrifying. It's because when I see a show I know about, it just, I don't really know, it's like watching something you like but don't want to know more about but at the same time you can't stop it. I have no idea how to explain it. Whenever I watch clips of a certain show as well gets me kinda like, increased heart rate and sweaty and s**t, idk why, I love my TV characters, but it's very weird, I don't think I could ever describe it accurately.
The ticklish feeling of anything landing on my legs, arms or face when outside. I'm most scared of mosquito.
Well when I was a kid I would be scared that in a buble bath (since I could not see under me) that the megledon would come eat me up if I was to loud.
Where I live, rural roads only have one lane for each direction (I don't know what they are like in other countries) and mostly there are many hills and curves. The lanes are way too narrow to be safe. So when I drive down such a road I have to fight off full blown panic attacks because I anticipate that on every hilltop or behind a curve is a car in the opposite direction on my lane. More silly is the one I have since my childhood. I had to cover my ears with my blanket every night (no matter how hot the weather may be) cause if I don't, a "bad man" will come and rip off my ear. I still cover my ears at night. Im almost 45 y.o. now.
My silliest fear is that when I have a bad cold my nose will get so blocked up when I'm sleeping that I won't be able to breathe and somehow I won't be able to breathe through my mouth either and I will die in my sleep.
My 'silliest' fear is having one of my children or grandchildren die before I do :( . It terrifies me if I think too hard on it. My wife (my kids mum) passed away some 22 years ago and it still affects me now. To lose one of them..... I don't know if I could handle it
That's not a 'silly' fear. It is totally rational. My worst nightmare would be for something to happen to one of my daughters. They are my world and if anything happened to either of them I don't know how or if I would be able to carry on.
Load More Replies...Where I live, rural roads only have one lane for each direction (I don't know what they are like in other countries) and mostly there are many hills and curves. The lanes are way too narrow to be safe. So when I drive down such a road I have to fight off full blown panic attacks because I anticipate that on every hilltop or behind a curve is a car in the opposite direction on my lane. More silly is the one I have since my childhood. I had to cover my ears with my blanket every night (no matter how hot the weather may be) cause if I don't, a "bad man" will come and rip off my ear. I still cover my ears at night. Im almost 45 y.o. now.
My silliest fear is that when I have a bad cold my nose will get so blocked up when I'm sleeping that I won't be able to breathe and somehow I won't be able to breathe through my mouth either and I will die in my sleep.
My 'silliest' fear is having one of my children or grandchildren die before I do :( . It terrifies me if I think too hard on it. My wife (my kids mum) passed away some 22 years ago and it still affects me now. To lose one of them..... I don't know if I could handle it
That's not a 'silly' fear. It is totally rational. My worst nightmare would be for something to happen to one of my daughters. They are my world and if anything happened to either of them I don't know how or if I would be able to carry on.
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