“Floaty” is my ongoing photo series creating gravity-defying angels out of ordinary people. The concept is to visualize the theme of Milan Kundera’s novel “The Unbearable Lightness of Being”. If each of us only has one life to live, and every occurrence is fleeting and insignificant, then life becomes weightless.

To create this series I photograph each model balancing on a table and stool, then photograph the empty frame and blend the duplicate images to create the illusion of flight. The biggest challenge from a photography standpoint is finding locations that lend themselves to intriguing compositions.

I spend hours biking and driving around Los Angeles, testing natural and unnatural light at different times of the day and night, and create shot lists that are often calculated to the inch. The biggest challenge for the models is balance. They are perched up high in the air, often in heels, in very compromising positions.

The most rewarding part of this series so far has been something that one of the models told me “This is the first time I’ve ever looked at one of my pictures where the first thing I noticed wasn’t me.”

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