50 Times People Tried Powerwashing Things And The Results Were So Satisfying, They Just Had To Share (New Pics)
A few years ago, I might've called my hobby of going through before-and-after power washing pics my guilty pleasure. But now? Not so much. I need a more accurate term; this seemingly mundane activity has become the king of the 'oddly satisfying' genre. A sort of internet culture mainstream, if you will.
I'd like Bored Panda to take some credit for it, after all, we've shown how much pleasure cleaning can bring numerous times (for example, here, here, and here). But this time, we're mostly just the middlemen, and the majority of the praise should go to this subreddit.
With that being said, we did scroll through its posts far and wide to select the very best this online community has to offer, and believe me, when you're talking about 1.135 million power washing aficionados, there's plenty of content to scour through. From forgotten benches to neglected patios, and old town squares, here are some of the best pictures we've found!
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Power Washed Birds, Butterflies, And Flowers On A Dirty Driveways (By Dianna Wood)
That Was A Big Old Job
For Bored Panda's earlier piece on this topic, my colleague Jonas spoke to Stephen, a man from Dublin who runs 'The Poerwash Man.'
He was kind enough to tell us all about his job.
"The worst gardens we deal with are gardens without drainage, as we use quite a lot of water and without drainage floods the whole area," he explained.
However, Stephen noted that they’ve overcome this problem by bringing in a new piece of equipment, so it’s no longer much of an issue. There are other challenges that power washers like Stephen face, though. Issues that garden owners can help overcome with a bit of foresight.
Photographer Uses A Pressure Washer To Create A Beautiful Mural On His Driveway
This is so cool! I cant even draw a hand or a face and then you have these amazingly skilled people out there.
Rescued An Old Rotten Outdoor Table (Pressure Wash, Dry, Sand, Oil)
My Nan And Grandad's Patio Hasn’t Been Washed In Probably Over 30 Years. I’m 22 And Had No Idea It Was Colored. They Decide To Wash It Today And We’re Shocked
"Other issues we have with gardens are the ones with weeds that haven't been taken care of in a long time," the power washing expert shared with Bored Panda. "What we do in these situations is we use an eco-friendly weedkiller, let that go to work, then come back a few days later to power wash."
Stephen also said that business has been OK and the pandemic hasn't messed up things for him too much.
“For us, it's actually good that most people are at home and we can get to work with them being in the house,” he noted.
From Green To Clean
Cleaned Up Years Worth Of Overgrowth On Walkway At My Parents. Two Hours Well Spent
Power Washing A Whole Block In Poland
The pressure washing industry began in the late 1920s, but back then consumer products were not even remotely in the conversation. It was all about starting a business and making a living. But almost 100 years later, in 2014, and you'll find them in about 15 percent of American home garages and workshops.
This change may have been accelerated by the 'Do-It-Yourself' movement when home renovation and improvement shows have created a continent of consumers eager to tackle 'DIY' projects.
In addition to knocking down walls, learning to install floor tiles, and a myriad of other projects, people are pressure washing their houses, decks, fences... For about $150, almost anyone can be the proud owner of a pressure washer from a big box store. Whether or not the machine can actually clean anything is another different story.
Cleaning And Oiling My Cedar Cladding. The Transformation Is Amazing
Cleaning Up The Old Camper With A Magic Eraser
Another Day, Another Beautiful Path
I'm A Little Speechless. I Genuinely Thought Our Patios And Paths Were Made With Brown Slabs
Tigerwood Deck Power Wash Before And After. Applied Penofin Brightener To Restore The Wood Balance
My Company Is Renovating An Old Building. They Decided To Power Wash It Today
Always nice to see renovation rather than buildings being pulled down and some monstrosity put in it's place
Really Happy With This Jobby
The St. Pierre Church In Firminy, France, By Architect Le Corbusier, Got It's First Ever Power Wash
I find the building hideous, sorry Le Corbusier. A good jet wash did improve things slightly.
I Never Though My New House Was Whiteish
Before And After Of My Front Garden
Boyfriend Finally Let Me Break Out The Power Washer On The Steps. They Were Nasty
Some More Spectacular Reveals
Got A Job Washing, Might Start A YouTube Channel
Who Knew That Was Under There? Asked To Clean The Mono-Block Only, Hopefully Asked Back To Do The Wall At Some Point
We've Lived Here For 15 Years And We Never Touched These Steps. I'm Addicted To This Power Washing Stuff
Before And After
Just A Man And His Power Washer
Power Washing, Sanding, And Oil This Weekend On 20-Year-Old Teak
If it's real teak and you take care of it, that bench has another hundred years in it, easily.
Picked This Beauty Up Off The Curb. I Need To Get A Good Sealant On It To Keep It Looking Bright
Be careful not to damage the wood. Olympic makes a "deck cleaner" your spray on wood decks and furniture. Follow the instructions and use a low-pressure nozzle so you don't damage the furniture. Cedar is a softwood. Just an FYI from experience.
It Was Looking Kinda Rough
So Satisfying
A Little Before And After Of A Cedar Sided Home Restoration. Low Pressure And Relying On The Right Chemicals For The Job. We Love Seeing Jobs Turn Out This Good
Awning In Downtown
So Anyway, I Started Blasting
A Freshly Power Washed Wall vs. Decades Of Grime
Saw This Water Tower Getting The Pressure Washing Treatment. I Watched Longer Than I Care To Admit
On/Off In About 3 Hours
Finally Giving The Tennis Court Some Love
The Other Day I Posted About A Job That Was Keeping Me Discouraged, A Real Doozy Of A Job With No Drainage Areas. Figured I'd Share Some Pictures Of The Job
Too much pressure washing! I hope you filled in those spaces between the bricks.
Saved My Deck From Certain Death
I Was Almost Drooling When This Client Asked For An Estimate
Today I Learned That Our Retaining Wall Is Brown, Not Black
If Your Wife Isn't Sure That Power Washing The Fence Is Worth It, Then 'Accidentally' Clean Your Shovel When It's Leaning Up Against The Fence
An Auction Find That Was Then Used In The Yard. So Pretty Now
First Wash After 20+ Years
Power Washing The Patio Table Produced Some Satisfying Results
Graffiti On Granite, Before And After. Kyiv, Ukraine
Should Have Went To College But This Will Do For Now
Brick Transformation
My Job Today
Today's Clean Before/After
Very nice. I would love to make me a greenhouse, and have another garden. I had a huge garden in Washington state, excellent soil. South Texas you have got to put so much work into building up your soil before you can even plant most things.