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Artist Mixes Optimism With Pessimism In His Unexpected-Yet-Relatable Comics (30 New Pics)

Life is about balance - we need the darker moments to appreciate the happy ones, and vice versa.

Life is about balance - we need the darker moments to appreciate the happy ones, and vice versa.

Hey Pandas, What Is One Good Thing You’ve Done For Yourself Lately? (Closed)
Trending questions in Ask Pandas
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Hey Pandas, What Is Something That People Are Judged For That You Think Is Ridiculous?
By Max Pasterski
Hey Pandas, What Are Some Of The Small Joys In Life?
By Alley Cat
Hey Pandas, What Was The Biggest Lie Someone Has Told You?
By Boredest Panda
Hey Pandas, What’s Something Exciting Coming Up For You?
By 𝙻𝚞𝚗𝚊⋆𝚝𝚑𝚎⋆𝙵𝚊𝚒𝚛𝚢
Hey Pandas, What Does Anxiety Feel Like?
By me myself and i (she/her)
Hey Pandas, What Food Have You Never Eaten But Would Really Like To Try?
By Earth_Charmer
“Top-Heavy Capitalism Will Collapse Under Its Own Weight”: Woman Online Devotedly Explains The Dark Side Of The Free Market Theory

This Twitter user took the initiative to educate fellow online users about the current economy troubles and explains how giving the money to the poor would actually benefit it.

This Twitter user took the initiative to educate fellow online users about the current economy troubles and explains how giving the money to the poor would actually benefit it.

Humorous One-Panel Comics By Jules Burton Suits (40 Pics)

It takes a special mind to find humor in everyday life situations. The one who has the ability to look at ordinary things from the prism of laughter can be considered a life hacker.

It takes a special mind to find humor in everyday life situations. The one who has the ability to look at ordinary things from the prism of laughter can be considered...

Hey Pandas, What’s An Anxiety Coping Mechanism That Works For You? (Closed)
Trending questions in Ask Pandas
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Hey Pandas, What Is Something That People Are Judged For That You Think Is Ridiculous?
By Max Pasterski
Hey Pandas, What Are Some Of The Small Joys In Life?
By Alley Cat
Hey Pandas, What Was The Biggest Lie Someone Has Told You?
By Boredest Panda
Hey Pandas, What’s Something Exciting Coming Up For You?
By 𝙻𝚞𝚗𝚊⋆𝚝𝚑𝚎⋆𝙵𝚊𝚒𝚛𝚢
Hey Pandas, What Does Anxiety Feel Like?
By me myself and i (she/her)
Hey Pandas, What Food Have You Never Eaten But Would Really Like To Try?
By Earth_Charmer
Hey Pandas, What Is A Terrifying Experience You’ve Encountered Firsthand? (Closed)
Trending questions in Ask Pandas
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Hey Pandas, What Is Something That People Are Judged For That You Think Is Ridiculous?
By Max Pasterski
Hey Pandas, What Are Some Of The Small Joys In Life?
By Alley Cat
Hey Pandas, What Was The Biggest Lie Someone Has Told You?
By Boredest Panda
Hey Pandas, What’s Something Exciting Coming Up For You?
By 𝙻𝚞𝚗𝚊⋆𝚝𝚑𝚎⋆𝙵𝚊𝚒𝚛𝚢
Hey Pandas, What Does Anxiety Feel Like?
By me myself and i (she/her)
Hey Pandas, What Food Have You Never Eaten But Would Really Like To Try?
By Earth_Charmer
40 Sarcastic And Relatable Comics About Reluctant Adults By This Artist

Adult life is not easy: bills to pay, food to cook, outside opinions to deal with… sounds like not at all what we imagined it to be when we were children.

Adult life is not easy: bills to pay, food to cook, outside opinions to deal with… sounds like not at all what we imagined it to be when we were children.

Artist Makes Silly-Looking Comics With Unexpected Twists On Everyday Situations (30 Pics)

Sometimes you don’t need complex illustrations to express a feeling relatable to many people.

Sometimes you don’t need complex illustrations to express a feeling relatable to many people.

This Artist Makes Unexpected Photo Collages, And Here Are 32 New Ones

Art is supposed to be subjective, but many will agree that it’s never supposed to be boring.

Art is supposed to be subjective, but many will agree that it’s never supposed to be boring.

Lainey Molnar: Artist Drawing Societal Comics About Modern Woman Life

Do you often feel society’s pressure of being a woman? You’re not alone! Check societal comics about modern life drawn by artist Lainey Molnar.

Do you often feel society’s pressure of being a woman? You’re not alone! Check societal comics about modern life drawn by artist Lainey Molnar.