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Woman Gives Up Teaching To Create Optical Illusions With Makeup, And It’s Messing With Our Minds

Makeup is usually used for slightly adjusting the everyday look but some actually realize its true potential. Mimi Choi from Vancouver, Canada is one of them. She is a 31-year-old makeup artist who creates intense hyperreal optical illusions, and her amazing...

Makeup is usually used for slightly adjusting the everyday look but some actually realize its true potential. Mimi Choi from Vancouver, Canada is one of them. She is a 31-year-old makeup...

I Turn People Into Disney Villains Using Makeup

I'm a French makeup artist and cartoon designer from Paris!

I'm a French makeup artist and cartoon designer from Paris!

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"As a portrait painter, I have taken what I have learned through my years working on canvas to transfer seamlessly to working on skin," Hanz says.

"As a portrait painter, I have taken what I have learned through my years working on canvas to transfer seamlessly to working on skin," Hanz says.

I Paid Tribute To These 12 Cinema Gods Through My Photography

When Chaplin meets Darth Vader and Natalie Portman in Black Swan rubs shoulders with the Mad Hatter! All of them being characters who knew how to leave their mark on the seventh art (cinema) by their visual prowess. I used three elements...

When Chaplin meets Darth Vader and Natalie Portman in Black Swan rubs shoulders with the Mad Hatter! All of them being characters who knew how to leave their mark on the...

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Do you remember the awesome cartoon lip art by Laura Jenkinson? Turns out, there's another lip artist in town who took this idea to the next level. Her name is Sandra Changes and this self-taught face decorator uses her lip-characters to...

Do you remember the awesome cartoon lip art by Laura Jenkinson? Turns out, there's another lip artist in town who took this idea to the next level. Her name is Sandra...

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Vanessa Davis is a makeup artist who's work might intimidate some people, but her skill will impress probably everyone. Vanessa is drawn to skull symbolism, which in the Western culture is primarily a symbol of death and mortality. She often creates...

Vanessa Davis is a makeup artist who's work might intimidate some people, but her skill will impress probably everyone. Vanessa is drawn to skull symbolism, which in the Western culture is...

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Mirjana Kika Milosevic is an incredibly skilled Serbian makeup artist, and her 'Wooden puppet doll' project is probably her best so far. Not only it won her internet fame, but also the national NYX Face Awards competition in the optical illusion...

Mirjana Kika Milosevic is an incredibly skilled Serbian makeup artist, and her 'Wooden puppet doll' project is probably her best so far. Not only it won her internet fame, but also...

This Makeup Artist Will Scare You To Death (62 Pics)

Ready for Halloween? Sarah Mudle certainly is. Take a look at her awesomely creepy makeup art to see what we mean. Be warned though - it might just give you nightmares!

Ready for Halloween? Sarah Mudle certainly is. Take a look at her awesomely creepy makeup art to see what we mean. Be warned though - it might just give you nightmares!

My Dream Is To Become A Professional Makeup Artist

When I started doing this kind of artistic production I do not have much support from my family . Here where I live in Brazil , artistic makeup is a very little known subject. When I was beginning who helped me...

When I started doing this kind of artistic production I do not have much support from my family . Here where I live in Brazil , artistic makeup is a very...

Makeup Artist Transforms Young Girl Into An Old Punk

The next time you're talking to an old punk, look twice! Because you might as well be talking to a beautiful young girl hidden underneath his skin.

The next time you're talking to an old punk, look twice! Because you might as well be talking to a beautiful young girl hidden underneath his skin.