Lee Hendrickson uses a microscope to photograph astonishing images of nature’s crystalline structure. Although his art may look like abstract paintings, or landscapes with diffused light, they are actually digital photos of tiny crystals of common ingredients, such as chocolate and caffeine.

The field he photographs is the size of the head of a pin, but when enlarged they become incredible works of art.

The crystals act as prisms, naturally refracting light, which results in the colorful palette seen in each piece.

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“Innocence Lost” is a close-up digital photo of crystals of citric acid

“First Light” appears as a softly diffuse landscape filled with light, but is actually a photo of crystalline phenylethyleneamine, an ingredient found in chocolate

This stimulating photo by Lee Hendrickson shows crystals of caffeine at high magnification

Gorgeous, isn’t it? Microscopic crystals of acetaminophen refract light to reveal this incredible image

Citric acid crystals act as a prism to refract light and give a rainbow effect when photographed