I started drawing a family of peas based on my family – after people described my wife and me as “Peas in a Pod”. Many names end in “py” eg “HapPea; CopPea, JumpPea” etc and I came up with a family who lived in a world of peas. I later discovered a similar idea had already been used in “The Peas of Poddington” in the 70s. Unlike those Peas who live in plant pots at the bottom of a garden, my characters live in a world of peas. My grandchildren love them.

Rasta Pea and SweetPea (Amy Pea)

A series of peas based on my family – all started because people said my wife and I were “Peas in a Pod”. Amy Pea is my second eldest daughter (of 4 girls)

Baba Pea (me) with Rasta Pea and Marlee Pea

Angie Pea

My second youngest daughter

Angie Pea moves to The Island

And takes care of children and puggles (baby echidnas)

Angie Pea and SkipPea

After an encounter with a copperhead, Angie Pea insisted that SkipPea now a huge area around the house