Sooner or later you’ll have to make a stroke and not look at it because physical well-being of the artist’s body comes into play.

you can see the fish again …if I didn’t know better I think the whole process of bringing a sketch to fruition is like pulling something out of the primordial soup (scratches on the ground) caveman stuff) to -angelic angels of all light that you can barely see from all the light (hyper realism). Perhaps the obsession to deviate from an organic subject matter to seeing what drawing capabilities (in of them selves) can reveal -finding out its just a circle and line … male or female if you wanna take it to the next level.

To be at harmony at least as a painter (perhaps in other disciplines) it’s advantageous to have two projects …because as an artist you’re trying to explain (Discover the secrets of life) being inspiration encouragement to other artists … therefore if you go and paint a wall in an apartment you can see exactly what principles are actually being applied [laying paint down]

Sooner or later you’ll have to make a stroke and not look at it because physical well-being of the artist’s body comes into play.

you can see the fish again …if I didn’t know better I think the whole process of bringing a sketch to fruition is like pulling something out of the primordial soup (scratches on the ground) caveman stuff) to -angelic angels of all light that you can barely see from all the light (hyper realism). Perhaps the obsession to deviate from an organic subject matter to seeing what drawing capabilities (in of them selves) can reveal -finding out its just a circle and line … male or female if you wanna take it to the next level.

To be at harmony at least as a painter (perhaps in other disciplines) it’s advantageous to have two projects …because as an artist you’re trying to explain (Discover the secrets of life) being inspiration encouragement to other artists … therefore if you go and paint a wall in an apartment you can see exactly what principles are actually being applied [laying paint down]