50 Of The Funniest Or Most Wholesome Anniversary Surprises These People Came Up With
Whether you've been dating for a few years or married for decades, an anniversary is the perfect occasion for a couple to celebrate their love. But however clear the feelings inside of you, the ways in which you want to express them aren't always that obvious.
So in an attempt to give some ideas to everyone who wishes to surprise their partner, we at Bored Panda put together a list of pictures showing those who have already done so.
With this wholesome collection, we wanted to show that it's not the scale of the gesture that matters. Rather, the consideration that goes into planning it. It's all about showing that you care. About your SO and your relationship.
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My Husband And I Just Celebrated Our 20th Anniversary. He Wanted To Get Me Traditional Platinum Or China. Platinum Was Too Expensive, So Meet - China
This Gentleman Showed Up With Flowers And In A Tux To Visit His Wife In The Hospital For Their 57th Anniversary
There's a common misconception that romance has a short life span. But according to one study, it doesn't always fizzle out in long-term relationships and progresses into companionship/friendship-type of feelings. In fact, romantic love can even last a lifetime and lead to happier, healthier relationships.
"Many believe that romantic love is the same as passionate love," said lead researcher Bianca P. Acevedo, PhD, then at Stony Brook University. "It isn't. Romantic love has the intensity, engagement and sexual chemistry that passionate love has, minus the obsessive component. Passionate or obsessive love includes feelings of uncertainty and anxiety. This kind of love helps drive the shorter relationships but not the longer ones."
My Wife's Conservative Religious High School Wouldn't Let Me Take Her To Prom Ten Years Ago Because We're Both Women, So I Threw Her One For Our 5th Anniversary
In Honor Of The Traditional Gift For The First Wedding Anniversary, I Made My Wife A Bouquet Of Paper Flowers
I thought it turned out rather well for a guy with absolutely no crafting ability.
My Wife And I Decided To Do Something Creative For Our 21st-Anniversary Portrait. "21 Years Of Adventure"
Acevedo, who is a social neuroscientist and specializes in human attachment and co-researcher psychologist Arthur Aron reviewed 25 studies with 6,070 individuals in short- and long-term relationships to see whether romantic love is associated with more satisfaction.
To determine this, they classified the relationships in each of the studies as romantic, passionate (romantic with obsession) or friendship-like love and put them into two categories: long- and short-term.
My Wife And I Accidentally Got Each Other The Same Gift For Our Second Anniversary
Husband Holds Sign For Wife Outside Nursing Home On 67th Anniversary After They Ban Visitors
It says: "I've loved you 67 years and still do. Happy Anniversary"
That's A Thoughtful And Beautiful Anniversary Gift
My Dad Sneaks Out Of The House Every Year At The Same Time For My Parents’ First Date Anniversary
He puts on his old high school letter jacket, rings the doorbell, and asks, “Is Kris home?” only to ask her if she’ll go out with him, reenacting that first moment 44 years ago.
The researchers looked at 17 short-term relationship studies, which included 18- to 23-year-old college students who were single, dating or married, with the average relationship lasting less than 4 years.
Then they analyzed 10 long-term relationship studies comprising middle-aged couples who were typically married 10 years or more. Two of the studies included both long- and short-term relationships in which it was possible to distinguish the two.
My Grandparents Got This Picture Framed From Their 60th Anniversary
I Proposed To My Girlfriend On Our 5-Year Anniversary With A Stardew Valley Themed Pop-Up Book I Made. She Said Yes
20th Wedding Anniversary Gift I Made For My Wife
10th Anniversary Today, Thought We'd Capture The Romance
Ultimately, the review found that people who reported greater romantic love were more satisfied in both the short- and long-term relationships. (Companion-like love was just moderately associated with satisfaction in both short- and long-term relationships.) But those who reported greater passionate love in their relationships were more satisfied in the short term compared to the long term.
Couples who had more satisfaction in their relationships also reported being happier and having higher self-esteem.
My Parents Celebrate Their 40th Anniversary Today. Some Things Never Change. Then And Now
They look and looked great! I love your dad’s mustache
A Guy Asked If I Can Replicate His Wedding Bouquet From Paper So He Can Give It To His Wife At Their First Anniversary
My Dad Surprised My Mom For Their 30th Anniversary And Had A Bench Dedicated To Her At The Park Where They Always Walk Together
I know she is crying, but you COULD think she is sort of face palming ("30yrs and I have to endure this sh*t") /s
Couple Married 61 Years Ago Takes “Up” Inspired Anniversary Photoshoot
Anniversaries are great, but feeling that a partner is "there for you" every day makes for a good relationship, Acevedo said, and facilitates feelings of romantic love.
Conversely, "feelings of insecurity are generally associated with lower satisfaction, and in some cases may spark conflict in the relationship. This can manifest into obsessive love," she explained.
My Grandparents Celebrating Their 50th Wedding Anniversary, Beverly Hillbilly's Style
"Stop, Jed! Thar's a perfectly good possum right on the double yella line!"
I Folded 1000 Paper Cranes For My Wife For Our First Wedding Anniversary
That is quite gorgeous. The container and gradient colors are beautiful together.
20-Year Wedding Anniversary Proves My Wife And I Share The Same Brain
We picked out cards for each other from two different Targets on two different days. I love being hitched to my best friend.
My Great Grandparents Are Celebrating Their 75th Wedding Anniversary This Weekend
Hopefully, this study helps people manage their expectations of what they want in long-term relationships. According to the authors, companionship love, which is what many couples see as the natural progression of a successful relationship, may just be an unnecessary compromise.
My Boyfriend And I Met At The Dog Park, So It Was Really Their 2-Year Anniversary Last Weekend
This Anniversary Gift
My 35-Year Wedding Anniversary Gift To My Wife
Made Our 1-Year Wedding Anniversary Picture
"Couples should strive for love with all the trimmings," Acevedo added. "And couples who’ve been together a long time and wish to get back their romantic edge should know it is an attainable goal that, like most good things in life, requires energy and devotion."
60th Wedding Anniversary During Quarantine. She Wore Her Wedding Dress. He Wore A Tux, Kind Of
Made Stain Glass Window For Me And Wife’s 4th-Year Anniversary
Anniversary Gift From My GF Who Games With Me. We All Make Sacrifices To Have This
This Year’s Anniversary Card From Me To My Partner
As with most things in life, if you put in the effort, the results will follow. Of course, I'm not saying that commemorating the start of your relationship is meaningless. Nothing that makes you or your partner happy is. But that's just 1 of the 365 days in a year.
I Made This Comic For My So To Celebrate Our 6-Year Anniversary Which Is Today
Every Year For Our Anniversary, My Husband Makes Me A Ring From The Traditional Material For That Year
My Girlfriend's Grandparents Got Married At The Ages Of 15 & 17. After The Wedding, They Went To White Castle. This Was The Cake For The 60th-Anniversary Party
My Girlfriend And I Celebrated Our 1-Year Anniversary. We Met On Tinder, So Naturally, I Had Our First Conversation Printed On A Blanket
For Our Anniversary, I Gave My Girlfriend A Silver Necklace Made After My "I Love You" Waveform Recording
My Parents’ 40th Wedding Anniversary, Wearing The Same Dress, Suit And Flowers As They Did 40 Years Ago
I Painted Me And My Boyfriend As A Ghibli Couple For Our Anniversary
My Grandparents Just Celebrated Their 75th Wedding Anniversary
Happy Anniversary
For My Anniversary My Wife Got Me A Watch I Really Wanted, It Was Not Until Later That I Realized That She Got It Engraved
If a lifetime of rickrolls doesn't say I love you, I don't know what does.