This photograph was taken in the city of Xela, also known as Quetzaltenango, in what is known as the western highlands. These women are standing in line, dressed in local costume, waiting to go to do some mundane activity like pay a bill or go to the ATM.

What I love about this scene, besides the colors in the dresses and blouses, is that the woman holding the little boy’s hand has a bowl of steaming soup in her other hand.

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A street scene in Xela, Guatemala.

This photograph was taken in the city of Xela, also known as Quetzaltenango, in what is known as the western highlands. These women are standing in line, dressed in local costume, waiting to go to do some mundane activity like pay a bill or go to the ATM.

What I love about this scene, besides the colors in the dresses and blouses, is that the woman holding the little boy’s hand has a bowl of steaming soup in her other hand.

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A street scene in Xela, Guatemala.