Kids are picky eaters and there are very few parents out there who haven’t had to deal with this. Even though it’s a hassle to convince your children to eat their veggies (or any meal they actually asked you to make for them), the reasons kids give us for why they can’t eat something can be adorably ridiculous. Like not wanting their peanut butter and jelly sandwich because it has peanut butter and jelly in it.
My Kid Can’t Eat This is an Instagram account that collects the hilarious comments kids made about, well, why they can’t eat something. Scroll down, upvote your faves, and let us know in the comments what funny reasons your kids have given you when they refused to eat something, dear Pandas.
The Instagram account was started back in 2015 and currently has more than 114k followers. Though it’s run anonymously, HuffPost found out that it’s the brainchild of mother-of-three Heather. She got the idea to make the account after having endless fights over food with her kids.
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After watching the movie "Ratatoulli" 658098764 times and asking me to make what they made 787628 times I spent hours scouring the internet for the exact same recipe from the movie and made it and now they can't eat it because a rat didn't make it
It's "too beautiful." She's crying actual tears of joy. She's 4
Because it's broken. I can't eat it because it's his. So I guess we're gonna have to put it in a raft, push it out to sea, and set it aflame using a flaming arrow Viking style. RIP Pringle. Enjoy Valhalla.
"The reasons my kids can't eat foods range from hilarious, infuriating to ridiculous. They know they have to taste all foods and are all healthy, so while I'm not seriously worried, it still drives me crazy!" Heather told HuffPost.
"I hope that other parents feel a little less alone when it comes to food drama," she added.
The My Kid Can’t Eat This account asks parents to submit pictures of the food their kids absolutely refused to eat and add a quick comment with the reason why. However, the last time the Instagram account posted a new photo was back in February 2016, so the page is probably taking a “small” break from internet stardom.
Because it's too cute. I actually had to freeze it so it could stay like this forever and he could visit it
Because it "reminds me of Snow White." I told her that if this apple really could make her sleep for several hours I would have cleaned the store out.
Because by removing the cherry seeds, I turned them into olives
Generally, there are broader reasons why kids are fussy eaters. For example, if something feels gross in their mouths of their hands, children will avoid it. But there are ways around this.
One way to get picky eaters to eat is to make sure they’re not snacking too much and are actually hungry for lunch or for dinner, according to
Because although he loves onion rings, recently learned they contain onions
Because if Honey Nut Cheerios taste like honey and Chocolate Cheerios taste like chocolate, this one must taste like the cast of Frozen and she doesn't want to eat Elsa.
Something else that works is having the entire family sit down to eat. If your child sees you eating the same food that’s in front of them, they’ll be more likely to follow your example. That also means that your child should be eating the same food that you’re eating (this is also a great reason to start eating healthier).
At the end of the day, kids are smart and you should have a proper conversation with them about food: what’s good for them, what’s bad for them. And why it’s important for them to eat their veggies!
Because she doesn't like "all the nipples." Me: You mean, seeds?" Her: No, NIPPLES."
Because he discovered halfway through that it isn't an Oreo. I never said it was an Oreo. He's crying. There is a crowd forming. Send help.
Peanut butter and honey sandwich because the honey looks like a rabbit and she doesn't want to wreck it. In her defense, it totally does.
Because there are too many spoons in the bowl. (You'll never, EVER, guess who put them there.)
Because she asked for cheese and crackers, not crackers and cheese.
Because they don't have heads. Side note: He bit all of the heads off
Grilled cheese sandwich because it has a "tail" and he doesn't eat animals
Because he doesn't like his food this fancy
Because it's cold and "tastes like you mixed a bunch of fruits together." Um, I did
Fresh carrot from the garden because it has legs
Because she doesn't like the "orange thing" on the bottom. It's her fork...
I got a new toy and spent AGES cutting the boy's lunch out. Eddie took one look, sighed, and said "You shouldn't have done that."
I would have to restrain myself from stuffing each piece up his nose…
Because she's a vegetarian. She wants chicken nuggets instead
Dumpling because, "ewww, it has toes.."
If your kid doesn't want the dumpling, I'll eat it. I love dumplings.
Because they're "blurry" (wavy).
Because they're all "cracked open like humpty dumpty" and he "can't eat things that are broken," because they might "break him." And "no one would be able to put him together again."
Kid's logic - you will never understand it but you have to live with it for a few years.
Bat pasta - they cried because they couldn't understand it wasn't real bats
She refused the yogurt I picked out for her (left) and insisted on picking out one herself (right).
Because it's exactly what she asked for. I'll end up eating it standing over the trash like a beggar and she'll ask for it two hours from now. When I tell her it's gone she'll cry like a Directioner upset about Zayn and I hate myself for even referencing that
I hate to say this, and I'll definitely get downvoted, but a lot of these kids sound like they're either cluless or spoiled.
Because I told him it was a leg... he doesn't eat anyone's legs. He only likes wings and parts you don't name... but no legs
Because after being told repeatedly that there are peanuts in the candy, it turns out that- *spoiler alert*- there are indeed peanuts on the candy.
just a few more years and they will turn into more helpful humans beings