Things posted on the internet cannot be unposted. That’s part of the game. But there are surely things we have posted that we’re not necessarily very proud of. Some, however, have no clue about their clueless arguments and remain unapologetic.
And there’s this corner of Reddit known as “S***AmericansSay” which is notorious for busting these kinds of instances. In fact, the community of 353k members is sharing the most cringeworthy and clueless posts spotted surfing on social media. That includes but isn’t limited to blunt arguments, embarrassing comments, hilariously inaccurate shares, you name it.
Below we selected some of the most entertaining examples that will surely make you chuckle and wonder what those people are thinking. Psst! Here's part 1 of the post with more stuff Americans (and the rest of the world, for that matter, ‘cause no one is immune to cluelessness) say!
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On South Africa
Observing Of The Columbus Day
“If You Are White You Cant Speak Spanish”
The use of social media has increased throughout the world, including emerging and developing nations in recent years. And, across the 11 emerging economies surveyed for this Pew Research study, 28% of adults say social media is very important for helping them keep up with political news and other developments occurring in the world.
Simultaneously, the spread of misinformation has reached new heights. With the pandemic ransacking the globe, it has become vital to separate facts from fiction and stop the harm from false statements. Today, the question of what we hold as a true and trusted piece of information and not is key, but the boundaries between the two are becoming increasingly blurred. So what happened?
Rest Of The World Didn't Become Free Till We Reformed Half The World In Our Image
And it's self-perpetuating, because the under educated kids will be school board members soon.
This Is America
What an idiot! I’m from Canada and I’m happy I live here, because I wouldn’t want to live in America.
"Can Anybody Tell Me If Portugal Has Running Water Like In The States?"
According to Kevin Kelli, the co-founder of Wired magazine, “Truth is no longer dictated by authorities, but is networked by peers. For every fact there is a counterfact and all these counterfacts and facts look identical online, which is confusing to most people.” When you think of it, most online content is created, shared and altered by people online. Add the lack of attention to whether the information is accurate, and you have a toxic cocktail for reproducing countless inaccurate and false content.
Americans Would Never Do This
Hopefully This Hasn’t Been Shared Before
Now take that to one of your hospitals and have an itemized bill made out, you now "POOR" bastard!
Meanwhile, this new study published in Nature that involves an experiment conducted by a group of researchers from MIT, the University of Regina in Canada, University of Exeter Business School in the United Kingdom and Center for Research and Teaching in Economics in Mexico, showed some interesting findings about the way people perceive what’s inaccurate online.
“It seems that the social media context may distract people from accuracy,” study coauthor Gordon Pennycook, an assistant professor of behavioral science at the University of Regina, told The Journalist’s Resource. According to him, although people are often capable of distinguishing between true and false news content, they fail to even consider whether content is accurate before they share it on social media.
“Your Little European Sport Where You Kick A Ball With Your Foot Is Called ‘Soccer’”
The imperial measurement system is insane and I feel bad for anyone who has to use it!
If Vaccines Are Free, Why Isn't Insulin And Chemo?
Will Europeans Be Suprised About My Mixed Heritage?
According to Pennycook, “The downstream effect of improving the quality of news sharing increases with the influence of the user who is making better choices.” He added: “It may be that the effect is as effective (if not more so) for users with more followers because the importance of ‘I better make sure this is true’ is literally greater for those with more followers.”
"I'm Norwegian (Not From There But Grandpa Is)
Only Because Americans Pay For The Healthcare Of Europe
Same vibe as the American guy who got mad at me (disabled) for living off "his" tax money... I'm in Sweden
On Dates
The Lack Of Freedom, Firearms And Muslim Immigrants
"Europe Is Ok Regarding Medicine, A Middle Income Life But Is Mostly Like A Third World Country"
"The USA Is The Only Country In The World With True Freedom" "What Do You Mean? We Are Also Free In France" "Really? "
Yeah, I still wonder what they think our countries are like. What freedom do we not have?
A Wisconsin School District Says Students Can “Become Spoiled” With Free Meals And Opts Out Of Biden’s Free-Lunch Program
Getting A Tattoo Of Your Results
Would Be Cool If It Worked In 12 Hour
"99% Of The World Uses Metric System. The Othe 1% Went To The Moon. Lets Hear It For Freedom Units Eh"
Americans Don't Have An Accent
Yes, English Comes From America
That might not have helped them... I have seen on a number of occasions Britain described as being in England.
Europe Sucks
"US Has Jurisdiction Over All Of North America If It Comes Down To It"
“Greatest Country In The World” “You’re Welcome For All The Policing It Does”
“The Eiffel Tower Was Built In Vegas. The French Later Copied And Replicate The Original Eiffel Tower In Vegas”
Norwegian Flag Taken Down
Just to make it clear: The Norwegian flag on this picture is in Stavanger, Norway. Outside the optician in Kirkegata to be accurate ;)
Pronounced Like Rifle
“Should American Schools Teach Arabic Numerals As Part Of Their Curriculum?” 57% Said ‘No'
Do Europeans Have A Spice Rack?
Real talk though, I've strong suspicion that the garlic that they use in the americas is some different variety than the one we use in Europe (Italy in particular). There is no way that you can use a whole head of garlic without making a dish inedible and pollute the whole street.
What Month Is 21?
There Should A Law Against This. This Is Socialism
Pot vs. Kettle
It's weird though. I've been to the US on vacation and every hotel and motel had an electric kettle in the room, so you could make your own tea in the morning. Guess this fear is pretty local to some areas.
"So May 16th Doesn't Exist?"
But People In Denmark Don't Get To Experience The Privilege Of Living In The Oldest And Greatest Country In The World (USA)
"As An American Journalist, You Never Expect Your Own Government To Lie To You"
I'm not sure where I stand on this one. On the one hand, the original post is right to be outraged that these things were done so blatantly and without oversight or consequences. But at the same time, it's astonishingly naive to believe it never happened before and won't happen again (just with oversight and consequence).
“Love When They Try To Take Credit For A System We Developed”
Europe Still Doesn't Have Running Water
English Please, Reddit Is An American Website (German Subreddit Btw)
"Rechtsschreibung" = law, "Rechtschreibung" = orthography...isn't German wonderful?