Hello male, female and non-binary friends!

About 2 months ago, I discovered I was pansexual. For the confused, that means I don't give a damn about your gender identity or your sexuality. No preferences. Just people.

I have not told anyone except for maybe 1 or 2 close friends. I want to tell my parents but I have anxiety and this makes it difficult to even think about it! My logical mind says nothing will happen, but my emotional brain says HOLY SHIT TELL NO-ONE RUN AWAY WHEN YOU'RE SIXTEEN HVFYDTRSDYGIUFU.

See my dilemma?

So I am turning to Bored Panda, easily the best online community I have ever been a part of for advice.

P.S. I am 12.

P.S.S. If I get a negative comment I will whip out my Homophobia Away! spray because I am after advice, not jerks who have decided to make a 12-year-old's life even more confusing.


use puns or cake.


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