We've been together for over a year. After a couple months he disclosed he is a multi-millionaire. Literally makes thousands on interest monthly in addition to his over $250,000 yr salary. I temporarily worked a service gig (hurt my bunioned feet, extremely), very stressful too way over 40 hrs/wk when he told me about 4 months into relationsip. It really turned me off sexually because he wouldn't help me financially. Now, sex is an issue. Now have a very expensive legal problem and even though he talks about wanting to get married and says all the "typical things you want to hear," he will not help financially. He doesn't even donate to charity. He doesn't buy me presents or cards on holidays. His 19 yr old daughter has free college, $2,000/month spending allowance, plus whatever additional money she asks for, drives a Benz, free college, doesn't work. If he wasn't rich, I wouldn't expect anything. But, I think it is ridiculous. He constantly brags about money. I think he is cheap and selfish. Now, I am going to break it off with him. I am turned off by him as a person, thus sexually. I am curious what others think.


WOW. You dated for 4 months but as soon as you find out he's rich you expect him to give you money? Are you a prostitute? No one need be obligated to give you anything. Handle your own business in an honest upfront manner and do him the favor of breaking it off immediately!


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