I wanted to make a mandala coloring book, and I knew that people who are into coloring books are looking for a way to relax and destress.

It was about time that someone made one based on something that was truly relaxing, and reminds you of meditation. So I found a way to throw in some patterns from natural formations in gemstones into my mandalas, and created a coloring book out of it. I’ve included some samples of my coloring book that you can download and print out if you want, just so everyone can see what the contents of the book will be like– there aren’t any physical copies of it out yet, because I just released it yesterday on the Amazon marketplace.

If you ever feel like you need to get a coloring book that you can actually finish, this is the one. Let me know any feedback you might have, and please feel free to leave a review on my Amazon store page! (You don’t have to buy anything to leave a review; you could just download and color in the pages included here)

I appreciate it!

More info:

Gemstone Mandalas (Cover Design)


Jade Dragon


Root Fossil


