Cop Rescues Donkey From Getting Hit By Traffic, Donkey Thanks Him In A Way He Didn’t Expect
Officer Kyle Canaan of the Norman, Oklahoma police department got a rather strange call on Tuesday morning when he was asked to deal with a lost donkey that had wandered onto a busy road. Once he arrived on the scene, however, the two became the best of buddies, and “Squishy,” as the donkey was named, ended up being moved in the officer’s cruiser to protect it from traffic.
Canaan and squishy got along well, though there was one small issue: “It used the bathroom in the back of my police car – number two,” Canaan told local news station KFOR. “I mean, I must have got it right after breakfast, because there was a lot.” The donkey is being held on a bystander’s property until his owners are found.
More info: Facebook (h/t: KFOR)
This officer picked up this donkey in his car to save him from traffic
Image credits: Norman Police Dept
“Squishy,” as they called him, left a huge “present” worthy of his name in Officer Canaan’s police cruiser…
Image credits: Fox24
“It used the bathroom in the back of my police car – number two. I mean, I must have got it right after breakfast, because there was a lot”
Image credits: Christine Van Timmeren
Here’s a local news report:
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