This Online Community Shares How Their Adopted Cats Looked Then & Now And It’s Heartwarming (30 Pics)
What makes a human a better version of themself? A simple act of kindness. Adoption is never an easy decision; it requires a lot of responsibility. Especially when those in need are neglected kittens who were abandoned in the streets. However, recent trends are showing that cat adoption is spreading worldwide, and there might be a bright future for abandoned animals after all.
A good proof of that is the subreddit r/BeforeNAfterAdoption. There, new feline parents are sharing their heartwarming stories with the rest of us. What's even more awesome, a lot of them compliment their posts with pictures of their new family members as well. The before and after photographs perfectly portray the incredible transformations those once stray cats have gone through, and you can't help but smile knowing that love can cure even the most neglected beings.
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My Boy Yuzu Was A Stray Found By A Friend Of Mine With The Worst Case Of Scabies We've Ever Seen (We're All Vet Students). He's Also Had Ear Mites, Fungal Infections, Stud Tail, & Recurrent Ear And Eye Infections One After The Other. One Year And Lots Of Treatments Later And He's Perfectly Healthy!
Luckily, more and more of us are willing to take on this risk and become life-saving heroes. The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals has estimated that every year, a staggering 3.2 million animal shelter inhabitants find new homes. 1.6 million of them are fur babies. The most important part is that "pet euthanasia rates have plummeted in big American cities in recent years, falling more than 75 percent since 2009." The numbers show that we are on the right track to giving a second chance at life to those who truly need it.
This Is Barley! My Son And I Found Her By The Road. She Had Been Abandoned. So Thin... Covered In Fleas. The Last Photo Was 3 Months After We Found Her. She's Simply The Sweetest Little Cat Ever
The very first encounter with abandoned cats can be truly heartbreaking. Reddit member, snerdie, claims that they "found Melvin in a trash heap", while a member named saludete found Kira dying from starvation in a cow farm. ASPCA’s National Rehoming Survey shows that pet behavior and health problems are among the most common reasons why owners decide to leave their pets.
“We’re Just Going To Foster Him,” - My Mother, In May Of 2015
Adoption success stories prove that any adorable cat can be tamed again. In addition, the physical and emotional transformation of these cats can take your breath away. Take a look at Cousteau, a newly crowned little prince from Paris, not unlike the one from Antoine de Saint-Exupéry's famous book "The Little Prince".
Some cute cats may come with unexpected surprises. A cat named Trojan gifted her parents not one but four baby kittens and made a solid contribution to the family gang. After the street cats are rescued and placed in loving homes, the change is almost instant. Many believe that adopting from a cat shelter is one of the best decisions of their life.
Will you be the next hero to save a lonely feline soul waiting for you out there? The answer is meow.
Melvin: Found In A Trash Heap In June 2012. He Spent His First Night In His Forever Home Sleeping On Me. Six Years Later, It’s Still His Favorite Place To Be
Kai Mana Had His Jaw Stepped On And Would Be Put Down. I Worked Full Time And Couldn’t Commit To Taking Care Of Him. But My BF Took Him To Get Surgery, And Fed Him Kitten Formula Through A Syringe. He Brought Him To His Construction Job, And Woke Up Every Two Hours For Feedings. He’s Happy Today
One Month Ago, I Found This Baby In The Wheel Of My Forklift At Work. Now She Lives At Home With Me. Meet Emmy (6 Weeks vs. 10 Weeks)
This Is Benben. Before/After Death Row
BenBenCat! I follow him on Instagram. There's a whole group of kitties like him- and they all use their celebrity to fundraise and help other shelter cats.
I Had To Fight My Wife To Not Leave Him At The Shelter—she Was Concerned He'd Either Cost Us A Ton Of Money In Vet Bills Or Die Soon Since He Was So Sickly, Turns Out He Just Needed Food And Kisses
Phoenix Was Rescued From The Streets And Was Covered In Hot Tar. Little Over A Month Later, He Looks Amazing, He Loves Humans And Is Ready To Enter A Loving Home
Kira Was Founded Almost Dead Of Starvation In A Farm With Cows. She Was Healthy In One Week And We Kept Her. Summer 2018
2 Years Ago Today I Walked Into A Petsmart And Met A Cat Named Sonny Who No One Would Adopt Because He Was 13 Years Old, Covered In Fleas, Underweight, And Had A Mouth Full Of Rotten Teeth That Had To Be Removed. He Came Home With Me That Night And It Was The Best Decision I’ve Ever Made
Great that you took him in. Just look at him now ! He just needed that one person to understand and give him love. Live your best life, Sonny.
Our Sweet Cousteau! From A Scrawny Street Kitty In New Orleans To A Prince Living In Paris
Before And After Fostering. Roadrunner On The Day I Got Him From The Shelter, And On The Day He Went To His New Home
Albus Was Found Abandoned And Starving On The Streets Of Cairo. The Strays Wouldn't Let Him Eat. He's Now Spoilt Rotten And Incredibly Affectionate
These Two Cat Brothers Were Rescued From The Street And They Are As Inseparable Today As They Were The Day I Found Them
One Year Ago, Jake Was Found Underneath A Car, Alone And Half Frozen. He Was 4 Weeks Old And His Mom Was Gone. Now He's The Biggest Kitty With The Most Personality That I've Ever Met
Some Wonderful Soul Found This Little Guy On The Street Cuddled Up In A Plastic Container. 3 Years Later, He Is The Happiest, Sweetest, Most Playful, Curious Cat. Love Him So Much And Thank You Wonderful Soul, Whomever You Are
From Feral To Friend (Harry’s Story). Last January, We Received Word That There A Was A Feral Cat Found With A Terrible Head Wound. He Was On Death’s Doorstep. We Took Him In To Recover And 8 Months Later He Won’t Leave Our Side
Thank you whoever censored the first pic... I would have started crying if it wasn't.
A Little Love Goes A Long Way
I Rescued The Cat Off The Street. Photos Before And After. One Month Difference. Part 2
10 Year Old Girl Neglected By Previous Owners. Took A While To Come Out Of Her Shell, She's The Sweetest Old Gal
Persian kitties look grumpy but truly have the sweetest disposition! She is beautiful!
Worked My Ass Off To Bring Spooky Back From The Edge. He Passed Away Unexpectedly Weeks Later But His Short Presence Was A Gift
I agree with you, it is wonderful to know you gave him comfort and love before he passed away. Although you'll be sad that he's gone, it is some comfort to know you helped and gave him what he needed, love.
My Midnight’s Transformation
Found Homeless In 120 Deg Heat, Gave Birth To 5 Kittens Within 2 Hours Of Us Taking Her In...and Now She's Our Princess!
I absolutely LOVE that she found you! It was meant to be! Because she is a longhair, it looks like some jerk found out she was pregnant and ditched her. (I say this due to the haircut) Thier loss.