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- BA Mass Communication, University of Nigeria
Activity & Interests
- I like to finish whatever I started (I have been watching Grey's Anatomy for the past 13 years and though I am tired, I need to know how it ends)
- Spent the first 13 years of my life binging majorly Bollywood Movies (How I am not fluent in hindi still surprises me till this day)
- My happy time - when I am eating
- I love randomly picking up new skills - currently in my video editing era
- Big fan of taking walks and listening to music
- Love existing around people that I feel safe with
My name is Obinna often shortened to Obi (like Kenobi without the Ken) and I am a writer here at Bored Panda. As a kid, I always wanted to tell stories which led to my interest in writing and now I get to do it for a living. I have a background in advertising where I also get to tell brand stories. When I am not telling these stories, I am watching stories and probably ransacking my brain on how to write more stories or I am gisting with friends.