When I set my sights on conveying climate change through narrative, through art, not mere facts, I knew I couldn’t do it alone. The goal was an imagery campaign built around the creation of a surreal character; an imagined mistress time keeper… reflecting back to us a message that time is running out for our blue marble planet – but in the 11th hour, the last moment in which change is possible, we can create an energy revolution and give nature her chance.
Flying half way around the world, with a bag full of props, costumes, and a custom built clock sculpture by the incredible artist Noah McKinley – all to join underwater photographer Jose Cano for a photoshoot in New Zealand really meant the pressure was on. And in line with the theme of the shoot, it was a mad dash every day against the clock to capture the shot before the pool was filled with gold particles from my body and hair paint and before the compounding complexities of a 20 pound skirt, underwater mirrors, finger props, and clock sculptures, just got the better of us.
In the chaos of creation, you often have no idea what the final end product is going to turn out like. But when we finally sat down at the computer to view these images – everyone was breathless. There was our mistress time – brought to life by the collective efforts of all of us.
With this series, my sincerest hope is to spark conversations and inspire scientific inquiry, because I want to hand future generations a climate system that is still within their control; that gifts them the beauty awe and splendor of mother nature’s ecosystems.
If you feel the same, then please, go see the film An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power that shows just how close we are to a real energy revolution.
And if you want to find your own truth and explore climate science and its implications for yourself, SkepticalScience.com is an amazing resource for breaking down the latest peer reviewed literature on this topic.
In the end, my message with this campaign is not about the challenge though, but the opportunity, because it’s our generation that gets to change the world… forever.
More info: christinerenfilms.com
In the 11th hour, the last moment in which change is possible, we can create an energy revolution and give nature her chance.
I don’t think climate change is only about whether you believe or not anymore. About who’s right and who’s wrong, and how to shove more facts at people. What if we started framing climate change as a measure of our character? In how willing we are to hear each other, and have hard conversations? And what if through that process, we can achieve the sense of unity we need in order to collaborate collectively on sustainable solutions that will ensure our survival and this planet’s?
Want to hand future generations a climate system that is still within their control, that gifts them the beauty awe and splendor of mother nature’s ecosystems. Do you feel the same?
With a 97% consensus among expert climate scientists about human induced planetary warming, and an atmosphere pushed past a never before seen carbon level of 400pm putting us on track to experience a 2 degrees Celsius warming of the Earth – the question really is, how fast can we come together to change this trajectory?
In the end, my message with this campaign is not about the challenge though, but the opportunity, because it’s our generation that gets to change the world… forever.
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