London-based social and humanitarian designer Micaella Pedros has found a way to give discarded plastic bottles purpose and she demonstrates it in her project called “Joining Bottles”.

“Both materials, wood and plastic bottles, are widely abundant in cities and other places. There are lying there as waste, waiting to be reclaimed by people,” Pedros writes. “Joining Bottles seeks to contribute to new beliefs based on what we, as individuals and communities, can do with what is available to us.” In the project, Pedros demonstrates how she collects discarded bottles from the streets, and, by applying heat, turns them into a wood bonding material, with which she creates new functional structures, such as tables or stools. What a beautiful way to make plastic bottles that we call “trash” useful again! See some of Pedros creations below.

More info: (h/t)


    See the whole process of Michaella’s “Joining Bottles” project below: