The phenomenon known as Pokémon has had a huge impact in my life. I like to think it helped me tap into my creative abilities as a child. I used to draw several Pokémon characters as a kid captivating my imagination. Everyone had a creature that they could relate to! Decades later I decided to become a designer and I have Pokémon to thank for that.

What if Pokémart Potions existed in real life?

I wrote this idea down into my phone a year ago. By the time 2016 began I started working on the idea of Pokémart Potions. The release of Pokemon GO also put pressure on me to finish this project as I started designing at the beginning of the year.

A big part of this concept was the advertising campaign behind the Pokémart Potions. I wrote all the copy behind each ad and wanted the copy to serve dual purposes. Each line had references back to the video game but could also make sense to normal consumers who necessarily never played Pokémon.

Pokémon GO has brought the world of Pokémon into the real world. I thought would do the same with Pokémart Potions!

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