Often times on my way home from work I think of inspirational quotes that I try and live my life by. Some of them are recovery based as I am a recovering alcoholic and drug addict.

Here are a few that mean a lot to me.

Do you have any that you like? Feel free to add them.

Find what makes your heart sing and start a choir.

This by far is my favorite quote I have ever thought of.

First and foremost learn to love yourself

Sound words to live by especially battling addiction and trying to find a reason to love yourself.


And that I am. It has taken me a very long time to get to where I am both spiritually and emotionally.

Pay your blessings forward

I don’t think I thought of this one but it does ring true to my everyday way of life.

Just know it gets better


I created this when I heard about very serious situations of being bullied.

Extend your hand someone really needs it

I owe everything that I am to people extending their hands and helping my overcome my addiction.

Boys can be princesses too

Again about kids being bullied.

Make America great again


I don’t think I created this one either.

There will always be light shining through the darkest of clouds

There is always a change. You just have to wait for it.

I changed my perspective to change my life

I had to change the way I was thinking h to see how much of my life I was missing.

Let your soul shine


Finding the beauty within

Beauty is in more than just a rose

Not all the beautiful things in the world come from a cooking cutter.

Show a little kindness you can change someone’s life

All it takes in that one person to change your life.

Forgive yourself addiction is not your fault

You will never get better if you can’t move past your past

One year down 24 hours to go

This is when I turned 1 year sober. It just means that you only have in that moment to be sober.