50 Posts From People Fed Up With Unrealistic Requirements And Expectations When Trying To Find A Job
There’s only so much BS a human being can possibly take. And this level of tolerance decreases as soon as we start talking about job applications. From one hell of a job description to position requirements that make zero sense, these are just the tip of the iceberg of the dangerous and severe diagnosis known as chronic job search exhaustion.
If you have it, you know it—because at this point you are no longer willing to send one more cover letter with dear this and dear that, because enough is enough. But there’s a safe space to talk about hard things and this corner of the internet known as the r/RecruitingHell subreddit is precisely that.
With 154k members no longer buying into broken job offers, the subreddit has quite a hell of a collection to make you feel better about where you’re at, or at least, not worse.
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I Will Drink To That
This Happens All The Time
Anyone Relate To This?
YES! The only reason they don't include it is because they want to try and pay you as little as they can get away with.
Job searching is one heck of a job to have. And while you’re on duty, there are many things that induce the dread of any job seeker—job search fatigue. From never-ending cover letter requests to test tasks, pre-screen interviews, draining face-to-face interviews, trial first day, and you name it, only to find out another candidate has been chosen, it's something that puts a strain on your wellbeing in a way that not many things have.
The worst part of the job search is that until you find one, you are not allowed to quit. The problem is that if you succumb to job search fatigue, you’ll prolong the whole process and the search will become no less easier, but way longer. So you wonder what can be done about it?
Hiring Managers And Recruiters
A Little Too Accurate
This Guy Gets It
“It produces this feeling of ‘what’s the point’ and ‘I don’t want to put myself out there’ and obviously that’s a problem,” said Dawn Norris, an associate professor of sociology at the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse. But the bigger problem is that if “you’re not seeking, you’re not going to find anything.”
But according to Norris, job search fatigue is much more complex than simply “an exhaustion of rejection and not hearing back.” It turns out, it has also to do with the loss of identity. “For those of us whose identities were connected to our jobs, those rejections and not hearing back creates a mismatch. We’re constantly getting these feedback mismatches between who we believe ourselves to be and what we’re hearing. When we hear that, it increases our job search fatigue.”
Saw It Online
We Need To Make Discussing Salary Normal
It is normal to discuss salaries. I am an employer, had some interviews as I hired three people (small office). While I liked their enthusiasm and their willingness to work with me, I always told them the net salary at the interview. It isn't fair to find out your salary only after working for a month there.
Then, there’s a stigma about job seekers as they tend to self-isolate and put up a smile every time talking to people about how their life is going. But it’s really important to talk to others to get that much-needed social support and reassurance that you’re going to be just fine. Also, people may help you to learn new job search strategies, give a fresh perspective on your skills and experience, provide useful tips, and after all… help you to find a job.
I’m Done
Rejected From An Internship For Not Having Enough Experience
Uno Card
This Is What It’s Come To
This Guy Gets It
A Delightful Find On Linkedin
Job Ads Nowadays. Sorry If Repost I Didn’t Find It In Search
and also you're working in an office full of karens and kyles (male karens)
Company: My Next Hire Needs To Be Enthusiastic About The Role So This Doesn't Happen Again
"Firings will continue until morale improves", I hung that sign on my door once. Didn't know then but it was a few weeks before I left that employ.
Nothing They Can Do
Saw This On Linkedin And Had A Good Laugh!
According to my annual evaluations, I am the most efficient employee in my team (my manager wants to promote me). I am severely underpaid, not only for the work I provide but also compared to my colleagues. I asked for a raise and they denied, saying that I should be happy I have a job at this day and age, so I decided to underwork so it matches my salary. I'm still and by far the most efficient employee T.T
Because, Obviously, You Shouldn't Have A Life Outside Work. Thought This Would Fit Here
Funny, did s/he expect basic human decency from a hedge fund? That's adorable.
You Are Not Google. Don't Recruit Like Google. Sincerely, Someone Who Wishes They Worked At Google
Idgaf Anymore, Sending Rude Replies To Recruiters Who Ghost
Speaking as someone who once worked in admin at a recruitment agency, avoid recruiters like they're coming at you wearing a suit of flaming bees. They give ZERO f***s about you, and keep people holding out hope they'll get jobs that don't even exist. I have so many horror stories.
I Cracked This Morning And Submitted This Application - I Am Sick Of These Ridiculous Questions
People praise me for working at a homeless shelter. I work there because I don't want to live there.
2 Iq Test?! Really?
Gotta Start Early
So I’m Not The Only One Constantly Getting Ghosted?
Something Tells Me I’m Not Going To Be Getting A Call Back
We Don’t Count Internships As Experience Here, So Let’s Just Forget All Of That
Employment Gap
Catch 22 Solved
Literally it’s the only way when you’re in that position. Lie lie lie.
Exactly On Time...
Every Time
Corporate Lingo Irl
Don’t See “No Memes” As A Rule And I Thought This Subreddit Might Enjoy This
In a better place, with a better salary and thinking about you, still stuck in this same position.
*face Palm*
Hope Memes Are Allowed Here
Too True
Still How I Feel Everytime I See It
My First Haiku
How can it recommend you should write more when it requests a haiku? Leaving aside the fact that asking for a haiku was ridiculous to start with!
How I Feel Everytime I Log In To Linkedin To Update My Profile
I only use Linkedin to keep in touch with peoplewhom I know and who either don't use Facebook at all or who want a more serious and non-controversial Forum/Means to make contact. I have never used it for job-seeking and at age 68 I am highly unlikely to do so.
Found On R/Yesyesyesno
Figured This Would Fit Perfectly!!
hes still going there's journeys on netflix which is set AFTER alola sun and moon
So After A Full Day Of Applications I Did This...
And most of them are just copied from various websites. And never read.