My hufflepuff bois ( harry the hippo and denis the badger ) are eductaed fellows thanks to night hogwarts ( for toys , duh ) but with all the outbreaks in the uk , theyre having to do online school . Brace yourselves , mayhem starts with these 2!

period 1 . History .

In zoom now . dennis is asleep and harrys getting there

dramatic close up of sleepy boi number 1

sleepy boi number 2 woke up and is making unicorn tea . he has to be caffeine fueled!


making some for harry . im suspicous

they have given up on school and gone back to bed . not if i can help it though!

getting dressed . AGAIN .

he wants a hug ( ignore my bedleg , i dont know either)


dennis has joined him

dennis has made some art instead of doing charms . pretty cute tho

break time on the beanbag under my bed .

back to work with transfiguration of dumbleydore

muggle studies . todays topic , art


muggle studies . topic , buildings


choir and band rehearsals . song , plush by stone temple pilots