People say weird stuff when they are dreaming, either out loud or in their dream, I wanna know what people have said.


I used to think that criminals were called “buffalo men” so I had a dream that two kidnappers came into my house, and I screamed at my sister to unlock the door because “the ‘buffalo men’ were trying to kidnap me”


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"Master Yoda, The Grinch is chasing me trying to get me to kick lucy's football so she can pull it away" I have NO clue why in the world i was dreaming about anything like that.


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I insulted someone by saying “I bet your scruffy, dirty, head container doesn’t hold very much“


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Cheese. Literally woke up after dreaming of cheese to wake up shouting the word chhhhheeeeeeessssseeeeee. My love for cheese is big.



I once screamed in a dream, 'MAY YOU PLEASE STOP LOOKING AT THE BUCKET, YOU MUMBLING SOULLESS MONSTER! IT'S TERRIFIED OF YOU! DON'T YOU SEE IT?". It was a dream where buckets came alive, and my coworker, who frequently wears a gas mask, tried to comprehend what was going on.


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Once I had a dream about living, talking buckets. I had just gotten back from work only to realize that several of my buckets had come to life and were running away from me. One of the buckets told me to take my gas mask off (I wear one at work) and prove I was a human being, where I did. Before that, in the dream, my coworker told me to stop looking an the buckets, which I shouted, "FINE! I WILL LEAVE THE BUCKETS ALONE!"


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some dream about being a magical girl. that dream was weird and cool at the same time and it was very fun to experience. it was a lucid dream btw


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Cheese. Literally woke up after dreaming of cheese to wake up shouting the word chhhhheeeeeeessssseeeeee. My love for cheese is big.


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Sleepover outside at a friends place in grade school. He kept moving, which woke me up apparently and I asked if he was cold. Still sleeping, he replied, “I had root beer for dinner and the mosquitoes are getting me!”



I have two weird things that I've said during a dream. One being that while my cousin was staying over, she was staying in my room with me. She woke me up in the middle of the night complaining that I was apparently quoting the entire 3rd book of the Twilight Saga word for word in my sleep.

The second thing is something my mum witnessed. I have a tendency to sleepwalk so my parents put safety locks on the top of the doors to make it harder for me to wander out, and one time while I was sleep walking, I tried to go out the front door, and couldn't figure out the lock and ended up getting upset and yelling, " Oh you damn wanker!!! Open the stall, i gotta get going soon!" I dont remember the dream, I only know this happened because my mum's laughter woke me up and she told me what I said and asked me about it but I had no answer for her


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See Also on Bored Panda

Uhhhh I said… actually, I don’t remember much of what I say in my dreams. Their usually silent or have other people talking. I do remember… answering a riddle, and I thought I had it right until the dude cut my head off on the surgical table With a chainsaw. Another time, I kind of had a huddle up with my clones on battle strategy for defeating the Marshmallow People in the clouds…


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My mum once told me that when I was much younger she saw me yell “attack potatoes attack!” And fall of my bed at the same time
I don’t remember this but it sounds like me


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So, this wasn’t about me but my sister. We were camping with our family and friends, and we saw a small dog and my mom warned my sis not to go pet it. In her dream we were biking and I saw a small dog and was going to pet it. She sits bolt upright well sleeping, turns to me and says “little dogs are vicious!” Lays back down and does nothing.


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See Also on Bored Panda

I had a dream where Pinky and The Brain were going to McDonald's... yeah, i'm weird


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