What do you think of religion as a whole, not just a single community of that religion, e.g al qaeda.


I think it doesn't matter which religion you follow, as long as you accept there is something out there and you are a good person, you with get an afterlife (if your religion has one).



i think its completely fine to believe in it. as long as u are a good person, and not forcing it onto anybody, its fine. everyone is entitled to believe in whatever they wanna believe in.


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I think it's fine, as long as you're respectful to other people who don't have the same religion. Although I do think devoting your life to that religion is a bit unhealthy. Whatever sails your boat, I guess.


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Organised religion is often used to justify treatment of others, good or bad, and like every organisation, it's prone to corruption. It's a great concept, but it doesn't always work in practice. Faith can be a wonderful thing, imposing that faith on anyone else is not.


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For the most part, I find religion boring, confusing and contradictory. I prefer "Harm no one, do what you will", except that was from Anto Lavey and he's no good either.


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