Hey y’all. I’m still in shock. Even though they were all a year apart starting in 2018, I’m still so sad. I lost my three doggos in 2018,2019 and sadly in the heat of covid in 2020. I know it’s been a long time but I just need advice. Not any specific topic. Just advice. Or cheer me up. I know this may sound stupid but I’m sure some of y’all can relate. I miss my babies so much. I thank all of you guys here on this platform. It’s just amazing. Thank you


Grief takes time, it doesn’t matter how long has passed since their death it’s okay for you to still feel sad about it
They’ve been a huge part of your life. Pets aren’t just animals they’re family so the grief we experience is exactly the same as loosing a human loved one
It’s okay for you to miss them, you will always miss them it just becomes easier to handle over time as we develop coping mechanisms such as; keeping a photo of them, their collar or tag etc. drawing pictures or writing out our thoughts/feelings
Your dogs loved you to their fullest and they felt your love every day. Their lives were great because of you
You did your best for them, please remember all the fun times you guys had together
Remember that you and your efforts are always enough
Your doggies had such an incredible life with you


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