Hey Pandas, If You Could Be A President, Leader, Or Something Similar For A Day, What Laws Would You Make? (Closed)
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New Rule: the highest paid person in a business cannot make more than 40x the lowest paid person in that business. And usury is outlawed.
The right to safe abortion.
The right for painkillers even at a "standard" gynaecologist procedure.
The right to euthanasia.
Make lifesaving medicine such as insulin free...for starters.
If you are running/applying for a federal position, you should be required to give DNA samples so than can be run through the systems of cold cases and rape kits.
I strongly agree. Looking at a candidate's tax returns isn't enough. The results of the specific tests would not have to be made public, just a statement that there were abnormalities shown in the test results. The candidate would then have the personal option to release the full results
Free healthcare for EVERYONE, regardless of which country you live in.
It’s better that I’m not in charge. I’d be quite the tyrant.
Free healthcare. Including medication and different therapies.
It is beyond awful that the USA doesn't already provide this. Other nations provide their residents and citizens with healthcare (including mental health care) and the USA should do so as well.
I would make it so radio stations and broadcasters can’t play Christmas music until after Thanksgiving, if they do, they’ll get a 1000 dollar fine.
Growing up Irish catholic, Christmas was NOT allowed to begin until the start of advent (the 4th Sunday before Christmas). No music, no decoration, nothing. Even though I am no longer a catholic that is the rule I still follow.
Its only a Crime when your actions harm OTHERS. Any action that harms yourself is legal (ie drug use, public nudity, daredevil behaviour, etc).
HARM includes child/animal abuse, neglect, etc.
Harm reduction and rehab rather than incarceration.
All children to receive free dental/health/eyecare until adulthood
K-12 education to focus on "how to learn", critical thinking, and life skills rather than obscure 16th century poets
That's OK, as long as those who engage in self-endangering activities can also produce on demand evidence of an active death and disability insurance policy that covers 100% of expenses for the person and any dependent family members, minimum value $50 million. I don't want the cost of picking up that person's pieces coming out of my wallet.
If anyone hurts an animal or a child whatever they did is to be done to them three times.
I already said this, but it got downvoted. I’d outlaw homophobia, transphobia, and racism. I know phobias are often legit, but as a member of the lgbtq+ community, I’m allowed to be killed in 13 countries and 38 states if my identity “causes a sudden emotional reaction.” So yeah, homophobia is illegal now.
I forgot that the 13 countries actually kill the lgbtq+ community no matter what. It’s actually a whopping 74 countries I can be killed in. Not including the 38 states in the US.
I would outlaw 24-hour-a-day cable news channels.
Additionally, for internet news, you have to read the article and answer a short comprehension quiz about it before you can see the video news report.
I wouldn't outlaw news, but absolutely would make a law that anything being reported as "news" must present fact-checked information only, otherwise they cannot call the show "news."
I would make one law, and it would be: Under no circumstances am I to be permitted to become president.
I would first require all single use containers, packaging and bags to be made out of materials that are 100% biodegradable. Even waterproof containers need to be able to break down to bio friendly matter within five years. Containers for long term storage would be a separate matter, and could use non degradable materials. But straws, coffe lids, soda bottles, sandwich bags, to go containers, plastic cutlery, product presentation materials......it all needs to be biodegradable.
Actually, the people in charge, should have started , a long time ago, but beter late than not, and I do agree with you, it may take time !!!
all schools have to have quality TP. oh boy people are gunna love me
Death taxes. You should be able to earn as much as you want with fairly minimal income taxes. However, you should only be able to leave say 10 million per dependent, all the rest should go to healthcare/education etc. I think this might be the best way to reduce wealth inequality without penalizing people for being productive. Inherited wealth doesn't do society OR those who inherit massive unearned fortunes good in the long run imo.
Separation of church and state with real consequences for violations. Churches, politicians and faith based organizations would be fined for every attempt at pushing their agenda in the world. Also churches would pay taxes.
Hear hear! When religion and politics get muddled, the results are always ugly.
I would kill Daylight Savings. Or make it always on. The switching back and forth is silly and confuses animals and small children.
Also, there is a spike in heart attacks and auto accidents after "spring forward."
I'm surprised this wasn't already here:
Forbid religion influence in politics. All decisions must be made with the welfare and free choice of the people in mind regardless of religion.
Yeah, I'm all for seperation of church and state; don't want the government to tell me what to believe
I would create a drinking license that can be taken away from people who have a drinking problem. Serving a person without a drinking license the same as serving a minor.
I understand the thought behind your statement, but trust me when I say that if someone wants to drink, they'll find a way to drink.
You cannot have more money than a billion dollars. World's billionaires have more wealth than 4.6 billion people.
You'll have to seal up a lot of loopholes. But that will be fun!
- Tax penalties for having more than one child (unless multiple birth like twins)
- Cities must grow "up", not "out"
- Much tighter restrictions on new construction in untouched places
- Environmental budget must be at least 25x the military budget
- News organizations must report news, not opinion
- Animal rights equal human rights
- No one goes to bed hungry
- All schools equally financed
- No one can be homeless
- Shelter animals cannot be killed
- No fur "harvesting"
- No pet mills
That companies that dominate a market, and have more than one type of product get split up.
Restaurants can NOT serve stale fries, or fries that have been reheated by microwaving them. Breaking the law will earn you life in prison. No parole.
I would make cold calling illegal. Any company wanting to reach out to clients and customers have to get their permission and ensure they are certain they want to be contacted for any studies and sales calls. This would be a win-win for both sides. (Canada is getting close to this. A law or regulation just got passed regarding caller ID screening and transparency.)
All convicted sex and child predators would have very long prison sentences and must be proven to be rehabilitated and not pose a threat before being released. This is such a huge problem in my city.
I would also make it law the justice system must provide supports and counselling services for victims, as well as protective resources if need be or wanted.
I would abolish the Indian Act of Canada.
As for the Indian Act of Canada, it's too bad, you are lacking in information !!!
Make the minimum wage a living wage - and adjust it yearly for inflation. Declare certain regions of land permanent protected wilderness where Nature can take Her course without human meddling. Ensure that everyone eligible to vote has access to the ballot box. Institute ranked choice voting.
No bathing suits without a t-shirt, shorts or cover up in stores or restaurants not directly on the beach/lake. No more bikini or speedo wearing shoppers in Walmart!! We don't need to see that.
I would put school water fountains into soda! Also become the most powerful person in the world. MWHAHAHA
1. Just like Russia , women should be allowed to kill their rapists for self defence.
2.When a girl/boy is harrased , If anyone blames or insults the victim , they will be charged too
3. If anyone gives any racist comment on social media or in person , They must be charged.
4. Every Boy/Girl, EVERY ! Must be taught self defence
I like that you're expressing yourself here, and I'm sorry if you're feeling attacked. Yes, people might be disagreeing with some of your points, but look at it this way: what you have written has made people think, and want to reach out and discuss it. So try not to take it personally, and instead, feel good that you've started some thought-provoking discussions. 🙂
Stricter laws against pet cruelty. Nobody should be allowed to kill, abuse, beat or neglect their or anyone elses pet and get away with it.
1. Media held accountable for lying.
2. Politicians that don't keep (or try to keep) campaign promises can be booted out easily.
3. Voting done by hand count, computers for back up only.
the answer i would like to give would make so many people clutch their pearls in fear of denying their 'g-d' given and/or constitutional rights. let's just say that i would put away all expression of open hate/bigotry/etc as well as practices that show the same. we have come to a time when having such rights have become a fight over whose rights are more important. if it causes harm/pain etc to another then it should not be a right. i realize that such things will probably still exist but let it go back to the holes from which they sprung.
Anyone who claims something is protected by the constitution has to show where and how. Brown vs Board of Education showed that separate but equal violates the constitution. If you can't spout Gibbons v. Ogden and show that the COVID requirement is "“arbitrary, oppressive and unreasonable" shut the F$%k up and get your shot. Don't claim rights you don't have and don't take others away because you don't know better.
Union for video game developers. They need one really bad.
I believe there should be a union for every profession to ensure everyone is treated fairly and safely and given adequate pay. Video game developers being a newer profession means there is probably a more dire need as there is a lot of misinformation and lack of support.
All politicians must spend 50% of their time working a minimum wage job and living on that wage. The other 50% can be spent in parliament making decisions based on what they learned. Still on minimum wage.
No one can keep money more than $1 Billion, above it will automatically goes to Healthcare, Food and Education, and if the country runs out of people in need, it'd go to other countries
I’d try to pass some solid legislation regarding mental health & treatment so that decent help is available for everyone who needs it.
Automatic mental health services (in addition to jail time when meeting standard for current laws) for all adults and children over age 5, found guilty of animal neglect and abuse.
Mandatory unstructured playtime for all children under the age of 16.
That every person wanting to run for public office, complete a psychological exam and publish the results.
Arrest all zoophiles; make b*********y illegal in all states. It's just gross and the people that do it have no morals nor are they sane.
If you abuse an animal, you have to endure the same thing the animal endured.
All laws must be secular without religious or cultural deference. The fist law is do no harm to any sentient being. All other laws stem from the first law. All punishments include the first law, with monetary and penal penalties for those incapable ofvrefraining from physically, financially or in extreme levels psychologically bringing harm to others. Human beings rights to their own identity and who they choose to have as their intimate partner or SO are sacrosanct and cannot be presented as cause or crime in any legal matter whatsoever, ever in any instance the significant other is a willing participant in the shared intimacy and over 16 years of age and deemed capable of adult decisions in such matters. Anyone raping or abusing will either be chemically castrated or in significant harm cases physically castrated and chemically labotomized for the safety of others.
If I were in charge for a day, it would be tempting to pass a law making myself in charge for life.
it's not a law per say I would just do what's needed to change the foster care system for bettr
I would get a law passed that allows congress and republican members to only one 2 year term ever.
racist or homophobic actions made to hurt anyone in any way will be punished by jail time and or death
Making the stick that parents use to whip children ILLEGAL. Children are very fragile beings.
I would try and make sure that schools had equal amounts of Conservative and Liberal teachers. Same goes for religious teachers. That way, every Child would get both sides of the argument, hopefully be able to see where they are ALL coming from, and actually be educated on what other people believe. Hopefully then, instead of just yelling at them and calling them idiots. there could be actual debates and people could learn from each other and accomplish more together.
I'd go one step further and state that all teachers must refrain from injecting personal religious or political ideologies into any discussion with students.
Compulsory Mental health checks at schools and work places. Higher taxes for rich people and an institution or industry has to be heavily fined if they don’t follow any environmental regulations.
At most, three children per family. The polygamists are also included. Anyone who wants a fourth child and more must be willing to pay a certain amount per annum as tax for the child for a period of 20 years. If we go on with our current reproductive rate, soon the Earth's resources will not be enough to sustain most living organisms.
Whatever injustice/pain/suffering/anguish you inflict onto someone you will receive the same be it emotional, physical, financial etc
I would change our Republic into a direct Democracy (one citizen one vote) like Switzerland.
put Anjelina Jolie book in schools,
1) Stealing gets your hand cut off. Rape gets your manhood first time, any simi8lar after that DEATH!
2) Schools ONLY provide an education, NOT indoctrination/politics. EVERY Student must be challenged based on their ability and NEVER ABANDONED!
3) We ALWAYS take care of our elderly, babies/children, our First Responders/Military, and the mentally/physically handicapped that require it. Those that simply won't work don't eat!
5) Phase out Lawyers within a year after which point they are ALL shot on sight.
6) Respect is EARNED. You WILL be treated in like manner that you treat others
I just want to thank everyone cause we got 2k views and counting
I just want to thank everyone cause we got 2k views and counting